Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Attack of the Bots

Caution! Watch out for Russian bots.
They're out there to deceive you.
Share if you will the messages,
But who do you think will believe you?

Bots show up on the screen of your phone,
Your tablet, or your computer,
And if you're on to their tactics, they
Resemble a pesky suitor.

Suitor? No, more like a stalker--
Disruptive and insidious--
Whose sly, deceitful game plan is
Destructive and invidious.

Recognizing the bots in social
Media isn't so hard.
But many a Twitter or Facebook fan
Is frequently caught off guard.

The bots are extremely useful for
Encouraging disconnections.
They've also proved to be handy for
Influencing elections.

Putin will say, "Bots? What bots?"
Ah, but he's a sly one!
If he can strengthen a road to disruption,
He will fortify one.

Hazards of our computer age:
Troll farms and bots,
Causing frustration and trying to
Manipulate our thoughts.

-by Bob B (2-28-18)