Friday, September 2, 2016


We know Trump is a scary man.
We also know we shouldn't let
Our guard down. Now I wonder
How much scarier he can get.

Since his campaign was running badly,
He added to his floundering team
Two new faces, proving the point:
We aren't always what we seem.

Bannon, of course, we knew all along
Had alt-right leanings. No denying.
But Kellyanne Conway's membership
In the CNP is horrifying.

The secretive Council for National Policy--
The CNP--is a shadowy group
Where mainstream conservatives
And right-wing extremists stay in the loop.

How long Bannon and Conway
Were members of the group isn't clear.
How much damage can they do
Now that the two have Trump's ear?

Members include white supremacist
Ideologues among the rest.
Extreme religious right members
Bring up issues that they want addressed.

To call the group a theocratic
Organization wouldn't be wrong.
It operates behind the scenes
And membership is going strong.

Bannon with his immigrant-Muslim-
Women-bashing is among friends.
He can deliver his propaganda
And not have to make amends.

Fringe groups with extreme ideas
Have always been around, we know.
But when their ideas are given credence,
They end up causing a lot of woe.

(9-2-16) By Bob B