Thursday, September 1, 2016

No Change

Donald Trump devours flattery.
(That's why he loves Putin so.)
And so, no way would he pass up
An invitation to Mexico

To meet with president Peña Nieto.
Looking rather out of place,
He read his speech; but what he did
Afterwards was a slap in the face

To Mexicans and to immigrants
As he expounded in detail his stance
On immigration, which ended up
Being his usual song and dance.

Using emotive loaded terms
With connotations that cut like sheers,
He appealed to the lowest common
Denominator of people's fears.

Focusing on the criminal element
Of the undocumented, he tried
To prove his point with misstated facts--
Again taking us for a ride.

He continued to harp on his towering,
"Beautiful southern-border wall,"
Which, according to many experts,
Actually makes no sense at all.

Regarding that wall, Trump doesn't
Want Americans to forget
That Mexico will pay for it,
Though "they don't know it yet."

He's still saying that all people
Here illegally will have to leave.
There's no softening in his approach--
No mention of any reprieve.

Still blowing racial whistles
And still playing the media with lies,
Nothing about his fear-mongering
Approach turns out to be a surprise.

Hateful speech disguised as concern
For all Americans doesn’t empower
Society. Instead it disrupts
Our freedom and turns Americans sour.

(9-1-16) By Bob B