Joe, our grade school bully,
Never bullied me.
Flying under the radar,
I got off scot-free.
Though I felt relieved,
I should have been incensed,
For seldom were his victims
Ever recompensed.
I wish I'd had the chutzpah
To walk up to him and intone,
"Hey, brainless buttface,
Leave that kid alone!"
What I would have done next,
I haven't the slightest clue.
I was a geeky kid
Who'd jump if you said "Boo!"
I should at least have tried
An approach more diplomatic
And NOT have selected
An expression so…emphatic.
Nonetheless, I never
Castigated Joe.
I was a helpless kid;
What the heck did I know?
When we notice bullying
And we don't make a fuss,
Are we just delighted
That no one's bullying us?
We all know what happens
When people are afraid
To speak out against injustice.
Humanity is betrayed.
(9-8-16) By Bob B