Two presumptive presidential candidates--
Trump, whose rise is still a mystery,
And Hillary Clinton on the other side,
Who, by the way, has made history--
Are vying for the esteemed office
Of President of the United States.
Just think: only five months left
Of wild political campaigns and debates.
Political speeches are…well…
Political speeches; nevertheless,
When both candidates speak one hears
A world of difference in what they express.
One speaks for hours and says nothing;
His favorite words are "great" and
He's given to nasty, childish tantrums,
And his name-calling is utterly horrendous.
He knows little of world affairs.
His racist comments are beyond the pale.
His rhetoric divides us and tends to appeal
More to the fears of the angry white male.
The other candidate's more inclusive;
She speaks to us all--from the poor to the rich.
She honors people of different beliefs.
Her dreams for America aren't a sales pitch.
Her nitpicking critics cavil and carp
And love to find fault with her every decision.
However, she keeps her eyes on the future
And doesn't resort to contempt and derision.
We must decide come November
The type of nation we want at last:
A kind, unified one moving forward,
Or one that repeats mistakes of the past.
(6-11-16) By Bob B