To show the extent
of their Christian love,
A couple of
preachers have nothing but praise
For the killer who
massacred forty-nine people
In the Orlando club frequented by gays.
That forty-nine
"pedophiles" were killed,
Roger Jimenez*
thinks it's great.
Pedophiles? Doesn't
he know
That most pedophiles
are straight?
"It's a tragedy
that more didn't die,"
The preacher added.
Such hateful remarks!
A preacher in
Arizona also
Made some comments
creating sparks.
Steven Anderson**--from the city of Tempe--
Was just as cruel in
his reflections.
(I wouldn't be
surprised if the murders
Gave these two sick
scoundrels erections.)
Anderson's happy
that "predators"
Were killed in the
recent shooting spree.
The preacher doesn't
That the real
predator here is he.
They might read
their Bibles and talk to God,
But neither preacher
is on the level.
In fact, if they're
talking to anyone,
They're probably
talking to the devil?
I guess it shows
that even a fool
Can be a preacher if
he's so inclined.
It also shows that
the minds of these two
Are just as sick as
the killer's mind.
(6-14-16) By Bob B
*From Verity Baptist
Church, Sacramento, CA
**From Faithful Word
Baptist Church, Tempe, AZ