Tuesday, December 8, 2015

My Poem to the World

This is my poem to the world
In the year 2015.
The end of the year is approaching and
We've made it past Halloween.

Thanksgiving, too, is behind us now.
We're smack in the holiday season--
A perfect time for a poem, but I
Don't always need a reason.

If you celebrate Christmas, then
Merry Christmas to you.
If you celebrate something else,
You get best wishes, too.

If you celebrate nothing at all,
That is perfectly fine.
Just don't be offended by
These heartfelt wishes of mine.

My wish this year is all about HOPE--
No reason to be frightened.
My hope is that we can all
Become more enlightened--

Enlightened to the needs of the planet
And to people in need, as well.
We're all in this together, you know--
We're riding a huge carousel,

Spinning, spinning, while hurling through space.
Yes, we are speeding
At sixty-seven thousand miles
Per hour! But, keep reading:

At the same time the equatorial
Velocity of our sphere
Is 1,040 miles per hour
Year after year after year!

Think about this incredible speed
And movement, if you will.
It's so amazing how at times
Everything seems so still.

This uncanny illusion of stillness
Amidst so much motion
Compels me to formulate
A truly marvelous notion:

Since this miraculous universe--
So limitless in its scope--
Has endless possibilities,
Never give up on HOPE.

So how does all of above relate
To the topic I'm addressing?
It's all about the wonder of HOPE….
I know: I've been digressing.

My hope is that people everywhere
Will all of a sudden see
That we must make this earth the best
Place that it can be.

HOPE can lead us in the right direction
And possibly stem the tide
Of tears and suffering in the world
If positively applied.

We must focus on love love love
As an antidote to hate.
Love is inexpensive, so
Embrace it now, but wait!

If you embrace love, you'll also
Receive free of charge
Both compassion and goodwill;
The amount you save is large.

And think about how the world will improve
If intolerance decreases,
And the need for vengeance and vindication
Ultimately ceases.

Respond now you'll also obtain
Greater peace of mind.
So many wonderful perks! A better
Deal you will not find.

If you respond in the next few minutes,
You also will receive
The reassurance of all the greatness
That HOPE can achieve.

HOPE has the power to be the key
To open many doors
That might lead to a world of peace
And put an end to wars.

HOPE and compassion go hand in hand;
Watch them grow and flourish.
Water them with wisdom and love;
They aren't hard to nourish.

We can ameliorate the world
With HOPE: we must pursue it.
All of us can make a difference.
Now, go out and do it.

(December 2015) By Bob B