Wednesday, December 16, 2015

GOP Candidacy Debate #5

Overall the Republican debate
Went pretty much as expected.
Sadly, not even ONE of the debaters
Has what it takes to be elected.

Priebus introduced the debate,
But we have to wonder whether
He was joking when he said
The Republicans had their act together.

One of Trump's suggestions was
To shut down parts of the Internet.
Not very feasible, Mr. T;
Iran does that, don't forget.

Cruz wants to bomb the Middle East
To see "if sand can glow in the dark."
I think he in his hawkish zeal
Would prove that his bite is worse than his bark.

Then there were feisty Marco Rubio's
Nebulous traditional values rants.
He thinks his ideas have greater appeal
Now that he's wearing big boys' pants.

Carson says that to protect America,
We throw out PC, and sure enough,
By doing "whatever is necessary,"
We will be safe. Scary stuff!

Christie is quiet when bridges are mentioned
But quite vociferous in his campaign
When he speaks of a no-fly zone
And threatens to shoot down a Russian plane.

"Let's take back America," says
Fiorina; but don't give three cheers.
To her that means denying rights
For which we have fought for sixty years.

Paul is correct on regime change
But wrong when he points out what is harming
America the most. It's not our debt;
Other dangers are much more alarming.

Kasich and Bush--the supposed moderates--
Bow to placate the far-right base.
Bumbling, tumbling, fumbling, stumbling,
They both could use some style and grace.

Hawkish rhetoric, bombast, promises,
Advancing by stepping back to the past…
The debaters are playing a game to see
Who can "outwit, outplay, and outlast."

(12-16-15) By Bob B