Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy 2016

Say good-by to the old year;
Say hello to the new.
Let go of the past and try to recast
A new and exciting you.
Say good riddance to all of your worries;
Start out fresh and clean.
Surely you'll find peace of mind
And a happy 2016!

The past year started out in sadness
With tragic shootings in France
At the Charlie Hebdo offices. And then
We ended our romance
With Brian Williams on the Nightly News.
The death of Freddie Gray
Strengthened the Black Lives Matter Movement
That carries on today.
Caitlyn Jenner came out to the world;
We said good-by to Bruce.
Trump declared his candidacy.
We thought he'd cook his own goose.
Murders in a Charleston church occurred;
The killer liked to brag
About his cache of weapons while
Waving the Confederate flag.


June brought a landmark decision in rights:
Marriage rights for all!
Trump rallied his followers around
The idea of building a wall.
A nuclear deal with Iran was made
That some people found a disgrace.
Bernie Sanders energized
The Democratic base.
Hillary Clinton's emails became
A controversial story.
Clerk Kim Davis marched to jail
In her self-righteous blaze of glory.
Pope Francis came to the United States.
Syrian emigrants fled
Their war-torn country seeking refuge.
"Deport immigrants," Trump said.


Hillary dealt with an eleven-hour grilling:
Ho hum…the Benghazi attacks.
Speaker Boehner announced his retirement
And gave himself the ax.
Paris suffered again through terrorist
Shootings in November
That were followed by San Bernardino's
Terrorist attacks in December.
On a promising note, one hundred ninety-five
Nations worked to arrange
A landmark accord to unite to slowdown
The pace of climate change.
We've barely skimmed the surface here
Of the year's ups and downs.
Here's to hoping that next year brings
Many more smiles than frowns.

And so…
Say good-by to the old year;
Say hello to the new.
Let go of the past and try to recast
A new and exciting you.
Say good riddance to all of your worries;
Start out fresh and clean.
Surely you'll find peace of mind
And a happy 2016!

(12-31-15) By Bob B