Thursday, December 31, 2015

Happy 2016

Say good-by to the old year;
Say hello to the new.
Let go of the past and try to recast
A new and exciting you.
Say good riddance to all of your worries;
Start out fresh and clean.
Surely you'll find peace of mind
And a happy 2016!

The past year started out in sadness
With tragic shootings in France
At the Charlie Hebdo offices. And then
We ended our romance
With Brian Williams on the Nightly News.
The death of Freddie Gray
Strengthened the Black Lives Matter Movement
That carries on today.
Caitlyn Jenner came out to the world;
We said good-by to Bruce.
Trump declared his candidacy.
We thought he'd cook his own goose.
Murders in a Charleston church occurred;
The killer liked to brag
About his cache of weapons while
Waving the Confederate flag.


June brought a landmark decision in rights:
Marriage rights for all!
Trump rallied his followers around
The idea of building a wall.
A nuclear deal with Iran was made
That some people found a disgrace.
Bernie Sanders energized
The Democratic base.
Hillary Clinton's emails became
A controversial story.
Clerk Kim Davis marched to jail
In her self-righteous blaze of glory.
Pope Francis came to the United States.
Syrian emigrants fled
Their war-torn country seeking refuge.
"Deport immigrants," Trump said.


Hillary dealt with an eleven-hour grilling:
Ho hum…the Benghazi attacks.
Speaker Boehner announced his retirement
And gave himself the ax.
Paris suffered again through terrorist
Shootings in November
That were followed by San Bernardino's
Terrorist attacks in December.
On a promising note, one hundred ninety-five
Nations worked to arrange
A landmark accord to unite to slowdown
The pace of climate change.
We've barely skimmed the surface here
Of the year's ups and downs.
Here's to hoping that next year brings
Many more smiles than frowns.

And so…
Say good-by to the old year;
Say hello to the new.
Let go of the past and try to recast
A new and exciting you.
Say good riddance to all of your worries;
Start out fresh and clean.
Surely you'll find peace of mind
And a happy 2016!

(12-31-15) By Bob B

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

16 Times


It was sixteen shots that did the harm--
All from an officer's firearm.

October 20, 2014--
At least eight officers were at the scene.

No other officer fired his gun;
Officer Van Dyke was the only one.

A troubled youth carrying a knife,
Laquan McDonald lost his life.

Van Dyke says he was threatened; still,
Sixteen shots? That's overkill.

Who or what should be to blame
That "shoot to kill" is the name of the game?

Why can't "shoot to immobilize" be
A viable possibility?

Tough job: being a cop;
Nevertheless, this has to stop.

Not all cops are extreme, of course;
But some should not be on the force.

No need to draw a diagram:
The shooting was caught on a dashboard cam.

One thing, however, isn't clear:
The release of the video took over a year.

Societal issues are complicated,
As this incident has demonstrated.

With such incidents on the rise,
We can't help but emphasize

The urgent need for responsible policing
To stop excessive force from increasing.

Will change come about? you might ask.
Must that be an impossible task?

The images and sounds are haunting.
The challenges for certain are daunting.

16 times…

(12-30-15) By Bob B

Sunday, December 27, 2015

To Little William--December 2015

Little guy, celebrating
Your first Christmas: Hurrah for you!
I hold you in my arms and see
Life from a different point of view.

Welcome to the world, little one.
Keep that lovely smile in place.
You could win anyone over
With that charming, innocent face.

Up to now, your life has been measured
In inches and months, little small fry.
But looking at your inquiring gaze,
I wonder if you aren't wiser than I.

Those tiny fingers that clutch my pinkie
With strong yet dainty deliberation:
Will they help to reshape this planet
With compassion and determination?

In the meantime, I--your uncle--will
Enjoy watching you change and grow.
I hope the world grows kinder and safer
Before it's time for me to go.

(12-27-15) By Bob B

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Scary Indictment

The more Trump opens his mouth,
The more obnoxious he gets
As he spews his venomous vitriol
And abusive epithets.

His disquieting rhetoric--
Each xenophobic word--
Makes the man more dangerous,
Disgusting, and absurd.

His rude, misogynistic,
And truculent retorts
Show a malicious obsession
Of a person out of sorts.

Some people like him because
For him nothing's taboo.
He says out loud what he thinks.

The number of people who like him--
A demagogue we should be dreading--
Reflects the scary direction
This country seems to be heading.

(12-23-15) By Bob B

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Easy, Hard; Hard, Easy

Why is it easy to put on the pounds
But so darn hard to lose?
It's always a breeze to pass on the peas;
But ice cream is hard to refuse.

Often we catch ourselves driving too fast;
Are we ever driving too slow?
Our brains are less like a Rafael
And more like a Vincent van Gogh.

Time plods along when we're waiting in line
But races when we're having fun.
As hard as we try to stick to a budget,
There's usually cost overrun!

Medical costs are so Brobdingnagian;
Why can't they be Lilliputian?
It's easy to make but tough to keep
A New Year's resolution.

Doesn't it also seem easy to sink
Yet hard to stay afloat?
Finding the exact words is a challenge;
It's a cinch to misquote.

Love--it seems--should be so simple.
Why is there so much hate?
Being early is usually good,
But sometimes you want to be late.

Life's little inconsistencies:
Always a daily test…
All we can do is go with the flow
And try to do our best.

(12-22-15) By Bob B

Monday, December 21, 2015

Facts? What Are Those?

Repeat a lie often enough
And people will believe it.
Make confusion your primary goal,
And no doubt you'll achieve it.

Circulate a far-fetched notion.
It's simple. Go on; try it.
Put a bogus story on Facebook;
The gullible will buy it.

Trump, when caught in a lie, attempts
To come off sounding pious
As he knits his brows and purses his lips
And yells, "Media bias!"

Forget little jabs or attacks
That are foolish and maybe unwise;
Here we are talking fabrications--
In short: boldface lies.

How easy it is to stretch the truth,
Until someone sees through it!
But once the damage has occurred,
It's so hard to undo it.

In our information age
It must be antiquated
To be honest and truthful when
Facts are overrated.

(12-21-15) By Bob B

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Santa Detained

All was quiet at midnight
In the comfortable little house
Till Santa accidentally
Stepped on the dog's toy mouse.

The SQUEAK! sounded to Santa
As loud as a cannon boom!
He stopped in his tracks and waited
For silence to fill the room.

Carefully placing the presents
Under the Christmas tree,
He spied a plate of cookies
Next to a glass of Chablis.

Suddenly from the hallway
Came a little sound:
"Hold up your hands, Santa….
Now slowly turn around."

Complying with the order,
Santa turned. Behold!
Identical twins stood there--
Barely five years old.

Both were holding toy guns.
Santa all the while
Had to struggle to keep
From breaking out in a smile.

"We just saw you closing
Mommy and Daddy's door,"
Said one. "We want to know
What you were looking for."

"I had to make sure," said Santa,
"That they were fast asleep.
You know how our Mommies
Hear every little peep."

The boys squinted their eyes,
Not sure what to believe.
All they knew was that Santa
Wasn't the kind to deceive.

"I heard," said the other twin,
"From a friend of mine
That you like to drink milk;
But Daddy says you like wine."

Santa hesitated:
"Well…it depends on my mood.
Sometimes I like variety
Regarding my drink or my food."

The first asked, "Why are Santas--
The ones we see at the mall--
Big and round, but you
Look so skinny and small?"

"Santa works so hard
And he's up so very late,
By the time he is finished,
He's lost a lot of weight."

Santa mumbled softly,
"Will they buy that story,
Or am I going to sound
Trite and conciliatory?"

The dog came in from the hallway
Wagging his tail as though
He had been Santa's friend
From a long time ago.

"How does Sparky know you?"
Both boys asked, surprised.
"ALL animals love Santa,"
The wise man emphasized.

The twins were resolute,
And both remained suspicious.
"You know," said Santa wily,
"It wouldn't be judicious

"To keep detaining Santa.
He has lots to do.
Other kids are waiting
For presents, just like you."

"Ju-what?...Aw, never mind!"
Responded the second twin,
Coming around to realize
The hurry Santa was in.

"We hope we get what we asked for.
But one thing we want to make clear:
If all we get is clothes,
You'll be in trouble next year."

Santa winked and smiled.
"Deal!" he firmly said.
Now put down your weapons
And go back to bed."

While drifting off to sleep
In their beds shortly thereafter,
The two boys heard some mumbling
Accompanied by laughter.

They shot out of bed in the morning--
Slightly after dawn.
The first thing they noticed was
The wine and cookies were gone.

But glasses resembling their dad's
Had been left behind.
Their dad said he could wear them
If Santa didn't mind.

(12-19-15) By Bob B

Friday, December 18, 2015

Here We Go Again

Democrat and Republican leaders
Need to think clearly, contain their wrath,
And apply diplomacy to help avoid
Leading us down a dangerous path.

By demonizing Putin and being
Manipulated into getting involved
In Russia's affairs, now there's a risk
Of bigger problems being left unresolved.

Leaders must also end the fixation
They have about deposing Assad.
Hello! Remember Iraq, Libya,
And Egypt! Such tactics have proved to be flawed.

To destabilize yet one more
Middle Eastern country is wrong.
Nations can only resolve the problems
In Iraq and Syria by getting along.

A united coalition of nations
Working together in the Middle East
And Africa should be able to bring about
Greater security at the very least.

Now Putin is not my favorite person;
He's helped to make Russia a scary place.
This is more about peace and safety
Then it is about anyone's saving face.

Do not listen to hawkish leaders
Whose aggressive stance will only make sure
That instead of ending overall conflict,
They'll make the world even LESS secure.

(12-18-15) By Bob B

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Remembering Sandy Hook--Three Years Later

Do you remember Sandy Hook?
It was three years ago that we
Heard about a twenty-year-old
Going on a murder spree.

December 14: Do you remember
Hearing the news that day?
Twenty children are no longer here
To run and laugh and play.

Ages six and seven they were--
The kids who lost their lives.
Imagine the pain that lingers in every
Loved one who survives.

Six adults at the school that day
Were also brutally shot.
Will we ever find a way
To cut the Gordian knot

Of senseless killing and murderous mayhem,
Or having the fear that when
Our loved ones leave the house, they might
Never come home again?

Millions of Americans cling to a murky
Second Amendment right--
Spurred on by a huge gun lobby
Whose appalling power is tight.

It's bewildering why Sandy Hook
Wasn't the very last straw.
When it comes to sensible gun control,
People just hem and haw.

Universal background checks;
Assault weapons bans, as well;
No large-capacity magazines…
Must that be such a hard sell?

The focus of many is strictly on
Their "rights" and their pocketbooks
Instead of demanding ways to prevent
Future "Sandy Hooks."

(12-17-15) By Bob B

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

GOP Candidacy Debate #5

Overall the Republican debate
Went pretty much as expected.
Sadly, not even ONE of the debaters
Has what it takes to be elected.

Priebus introduced the debate,
But we have to wonder whether
He was joking when he said
The Republicans had their act together.

One of Trump's suggestions was
To shut down parts of the Internet.
Not very feasible, Mr. T;
Iran does that, don't forget.

Cruz wants to bomb the Middle East
To see "if sand can glow in the dark."
I think he in his hawkish zeal
Would prove that his bite is worse than his bark.

Then there were feisty Marco Rubio's
Nebulous traditional values rants.
He thinks his ideas have greater appeal
Now that he's wearing big boys' pants.

Carson says that to protect America,
We throw out PC, and sure enough,
By doing "whatever is necessary,"
We will be safe. Scary stuff!

Christie is quiet when bridges are mentioned
But quite vociferous in his campaign
When he speaks of a no-fly zone
And threatens to shoot down a Russian plane.

"Let's take back America," says
Fiorina; but don't give three cheers.
To her that means denying rights
For which we have fought for sixty years.

Paul is correct on regime change
But wrong when he points out what is harming
America the most. It's not our debt;
Other dangers are much more alarming.

Kasich and Bush--the supposed moderates--
Bow to placate the far-right base.
Bumbling, tumbling, fumbling, stumbling,
They both could use some style and grace.

Hawkish rhetoric, bombast, promises,
Advancing by stepping back to the past…
The debaters are playing a game to see
Who can "outwit, outplay, and outlast."

(12-16-15) By Bob B

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Here, Then Not

Often we'd see her in the neighborhood,
Taking her friendly dog for a walk.
Always affable, upbeat, and cheerful,
Pat was eager to stop and talk.

The busyness of life fills
Our days with issues, both great and small.
Suddenly, it occurred to me:
For weeks I hadn't seen Pat at all.

Deep inside I had a bad feeling.
Always so visible, yet suddenly not there,
She had me worried because of her absence.
I wanted to ask and yet didn't dare.

A neighbor's words ended the mystery:
"Pat died eight weeks ago."
The information confirmed my fears;
The shocking news still came as a blow.

You can grieve the loss of another
Even though you weren't close friends.
Whatever you shared will be no more;
It's always sad when a life ends.

In my mind, I can still see her,
Walking Buddy with a smile on her face.
Her loving memory will be--I hope--
One that time will not efface.

Rest in peace, dear Pat….

(12-14-15) By Bob B

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Annual Alonzo Family Tamalada*

In contrast with the cold morning air,
The house was cozy and warm
As we all arrived to participate
Like worker bees starting to swarm.
The smell of pork and refried beans
Permeated the room.
The champagne bottles were chilling on ice--
How much did we consume?
Sally brought some egg McMuffins.
I thought, "Something's amiss:
Egg McMuffins and NO pan dulce!**
What kind of party is this?"

But I wouldn't miss it--nope--for nada:
The annual Alonzo family tamalada.

The giant bucket of masa*** awaited
Marisa's kneading hands.
While she kneaded the dough, the rest of us
Listened for Sally's commands.
After a brief champagne toast,
Our assembly line started.
Everyone had a job to do;
It wasn't for the faint-hearted.
Spreading the masa on the husks
Was a messy task.
I wondered, "How many will we make?"
But I was afraid to ask.

It wasn't very long before
Everyone in the casa
Was practically covered from head to foot
With fluffy tamale masa.
We spread and stuffed and folded and wrapped
While Sally entertained us.
The conversation, laughter, fun,
And champagne all sustained us.
The wonderful smells of lunch also
Encouraged us to work hard
Lest we be known as shirkers and our
Reputations be marred.

But I wouldn't miss it--nope--for nada:
The annual Alonzo family tamalada.

After a few hundred tamales,
The masa was getting low.
I said, "Yay! We're almost done!"
But Alice said, "Oh, no.
That was just the pork; now we're
Making chile and cheese."
Blurry-eyed I held up my spoon
And said, "More hojas,**** please."
On and on we continued to work
Like hive bees making honey.
But it was worth it, for these tamales
Are more valuable than money.

Alice, Yvonne, Kathy, Yolie,
Aida, and Sally know why--
As do Marisa, Rebecca, Karen,
Marisol, Nancy, and I--
We always look forward to getting together
For laughter, fun, and cheer
And this spirited, heart-warming gathering
Whenever December is here.
Homemade tamales can't be beat
When made in our special fashion
With love, care, conviviality,
Warmth, goodwill and passion.

I wouldn't miss it--nope--for nada:
The annual Alonzo family tamalada.

*tamale-making party
**Mexican sweet bread
****(corn husk) leaves

(12-14-15) By Bob B

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Rudolph Was WHAT?

Did you happen to notice
That last year Santa's sleigh
Was missing an important
Figure, by the way?

Let's see: Comet and Vixen
Along with Cupid and Prancer
Were there, and so were Donner,
Dasher, Blitzen, and Dancer.

Which reindeer was missing?
Rudolph? Ah, you guessed it.
The news was out there, but
The media had suppressed it.

(Because of frequent fog,
Santa was being sensible
In counting on dear Rudolph,
Who had become indispensable.)

It all started like this:
On the morning of Christmas Eve,
Rudolph was tired from having
Been on the qui vive

For sneaky present robbers
All the previous night.
By noon, poor ol' Rudolph
Looked a sorry sight.

To perk himself up a bit--
The "where" is still unclear--
He dipped into a little
Too much Christmas "cheer."

Now I don't know about you,
But Rudolph's nose would flicker
Whenever he drank wine
Or any other liquor.

When the team of reindeer
Lined up, Santa could tell
That sleigh-guiding Rudolph
Wasn't doing so well.

Needless to say, Santa
Really got a whiff
When he approached his friend
And took a little sniff.

"I can tell, dear Rudolph,
That you've been making merry.
Did you turn your eggnog
Into a Tom and Jerry?"

"I think--hiccup!--a little,"
Said Rudolph with a blush.
"Go to bed," said Santa.
"We are in a rush."

That night Santa was forced--
Although he felt remorseful--
To use toys with lights
To guide him. How resourceful!

So last year if the batteries
To your toys were run down,
Causing disappointment
And many a tear and frown,

Don't feel so sad.
They went to a good cause:
They helped to distribute
Gifts from Santa Claus.

Regarding this year, I
Don't want to keep you guessin':
Rudolph's back in service.
I think he learned his lesson.

But some say Santa's considering--
Despite objections and moans--
Future gift deliveries
With the use of Amazon's drones.

(12-13-15) By Bob B

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Jensen Christmas Eve Dinner Brawl

The Minnesota night was cold;
Ask the man on the street:
It was so cold your words would freeze,
Drop, and break at your feet.
That didn't stop the Jensens at all--
Is that so hard to believe?--
From hosting their annual family feast
That frigid Christmas Eve.

One by one the families poured in
Bearing gifts and food.
Onkel Karl and Tante Inge
Arrived with their brood.
Onkel Jakob and Tante Hilde
And their three kids…Oh, dear!
If I listed all of the relatives,
It would take a year.

Of beer and wine and all kinds of spirits,
Of course, there were a LOT there.
Cousins Arne and Jan were already
Snockered when they got there.
Maybe that explains in part
The reason for the fight
That put a damper on the mood
On such a festive night.

The families had all sat down to dinner
And gazed upon the spread:
Potato dumplings, salads, sausage,
And cabbage, white and red.
Arne, staring at the roasted pig
With a look distant and glazy,
Made a funny joke about
Republicans being crazy.

All at once, the room grew quiet;
Nobody made a sound.
Everybody looked at Jan,
Who glared at Arne and frowned.
To change the mood, Pastor Olsen
Said, "Let's all say grace."
Just as he started, Arne got
A lutefisk in the face.

The roasted pig, the salads and lefse
Landed on the floor
As Arne and Jan pounded each other,
And wrestled, kicked, and swore.
The two were covered from head to foot
With gravy, potatoes, and fish.
The last straw was when they broke Grandma’s
Favorite rosemaled dish.

Suddenly, everybody heard
The sharpest, loudest BANG!
Followed by an echo.
Au! How their ears rang!
Grandma Liv was standing there
With a rifle in her hand.
No one was going to argue with her;
She was in command.

Above her was a hole in the ceiling;
Plaster speckled her hair.
The huge room was a total mess--
Food was everywhere.
"Scrape up what you can," she ordered.
"We're going to try this again.
Arne and Jan, just one word
And you two are dead men."

(Luckily there was no one upstairs
Above the dining room,
Though Onkel Odd was across the hall
When he heard the boom.
He was--and who wouldn't be--
So startled by the shot,
That the poor man jumped two feet in the air
And fell right off the pot.)

With dinner salvaged and the table reset,
Again they sat down to dine.
Grandma Liv sternly said,
"Now, family of mine:
Let's enjoy this Christmas feast.
Show me you are able
To have a pleasant evening and keep
Politics away from the table."

Having said that, she smiled and placed
Her rifle in her lap.
Not a soul dared to test her
For fear that she would snap.
Arne and Jan, battered and bruised,
Silently sipped their soup,
To Jan, Grandma said, "Din idiot!"
To Arne, "Nincompoop!"

The hole in the ceiling will remain
As a warning--or constant threat--
Of possible consequences lest
Anybody forget
That political talk at the dinner table
Was something they must nix,
For sausages, pig, lefse, booze,
And politics do not mix.

(12-11-15) By Bob B

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Such Audacity!

They sit on their comfy couches
In their stuffy suits and ties
Or their stylish sleeveless dresses,
Expounding pernicious lies.

Promoting "purposeful ignorance"
As well as "aggressive stupidity,"
They inadvertently show
Their frightful lack of lucidity.

Facts are unimportant.
(The same for credibility?)
Expert manipulators,
They manage with great facility

To lead a gullible public
Into their intricate maze
Of wildly spurious claims
And specious reporting malaise.

Carefully selected "experts"
Throw in their two cents
While fawning interviewers
Come to their defense.

Masters of hypnosis,
They put thinkers to sleep--
The ones caught in their spell
Are led around like sheep.

And they have the audacity
To refer to themselves as "news."
That must be part of their strategy--
Their well-crafted ruse.

Control the minds of the people
And you will secure great power
To sustain them with propaganda
Hour after hour after hour….

(12-9-15) By Bob B

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

My Poem to the World

This is my poem to the world
In the year 2015.
The end of the year is approaching and
We've made it past Halloween.

Thanksgiving, too, is behind us now.
We're smack in the holiday season--
A perfect time for a poem, but I
Don't always need a reason.

If you celebrate Christmas, then
Merry Christmas to you.
If you celebrate something else,
You get best wishes, too.

If you celebrate nothing at all,
That is perfectly fine.
Just don't be offended by
These heartfelt wishes of mine.

My wish this year is all about HOPE--
No reason to be frightened.
My hope is that we can all
Become more enlightened--

Enlightened to the needs of the planet
And to people in need, as well.
We're all in this together, you know--
We're riding a huge carousel,

Spinning, spinning, while hurling through space.
Yes, we are speeding
At sixty-seven thousand miles
Per hour! But, keep reading:

At the same time the equatorial
Velocity of our sphere
Is 1,040 miles per hour
Year after year after year!

Think about this incredible speed
And movement, if you will.
It's so amazing how at times
Everything seems so still.

This uncanny illusion of stillness
Amidst so much motion
Compels me to formulate
A truly marvelous notion:

Since this miraculous universe--
So limitless in its scope--
Has endless possibilities,
Never give up on HOPE.

So how does all of above relate
To the topic I'm addressing?
It's all about the wonder of HOPE….
I know: I've been digressing.

My hope is that people everywhere
Will all of a sudden see
That we must make this earth the best
Place that it can be.

HOPE can lead us in the right direction
And possibly stem the tide
Of tears and suffering in the world
If positively applied.

We must focus on love love love
As an antidote to hate.
Love is inexpensive, so
Embrace it now, but wait!

If you embrace love, you'll also
Receive free of charge
Both compassion and goodwill;
The amount you save is large.

And think about how the world will improve
If intolerance decreases,
And the need for vengeance and vindication
Ultimately ceases.

Respond now you'll also obtain
Greater peace of mind.
So many wonderful perks! A better
Deal you will not find.

If you respond in the next few minutes,
You also will receive
The reassurance of all the greatness
That HOPE can achieve.

HOPE has the power to be the key
To open many doors
That might lead to a world of peace
And put an end to wars.

HOPE and compassion go hand in hand;
Watch them grow and flourish.
Water them with wisdom and love;
They aren't hard to nourish.

We can ameliorate the world
With HOPE: we must pursue it.
All of us can make a difference.
Now, go out and do it.

(December 2015) By Bob B