Friday, May 29, 2015

Where are the Upright, the Honorable, the Just?

Every night when I watch the news,
I'm always in a state of wonder.
There's so much dishonesty and deception going on!
My fragile optimism has been torn asunder.

Where are the upright, the honorable, the just,
The honest, the genuine, the scrupulous, the noble?
Do they exist, or are they a fantasy?
And it's not just here: the problem is global.

What is it with some of our athletes,
Business leaders and politicians?
It seems as though "skeleton in the closet"
Is a requirement for their positions.

People we ought to respect and look up to--
People whose decisions should not be capricious--
Are often involved in shady deals
And making decisions far from judicious.

If they're NOT indicted for racketeering,
They're charged with bribery, graft, deceit,
Embezzlement, perjury, or tax-evasion.
Have truth and honesty become obsolete?

I'm tired of hypocrites and holier-than-thous
Who claim to be trustworthy, caring and just,
But ultimately prove that they deserve
Not our praise but instead our disgust.

And then there are those we should trust and revere--
Ones we should both emulate and admire--
Committing crimes and covering them up,
Which only adds more fuel to the fire.

It's reassuring when we can see
Righteous wealth, righteously gained.
Suddenly, unscrupulous swindlers emerge
And people's savings accounts are drained.

Hackers are constantly invading our privacy,
And somewhere out there there's always some louse
Attempting to steal our sacred identity.
Life's now a game of cat and mouse.

Now I'm not one to say I'm perfect;
I'll be the first to admit to that.
Honorable ones, please stand up....
To you I'd like to tip my hat.

(In case you’re wondering what I am doing,
I thought that it would naturally be fitting
To let you know that if you could see me,
Though not a criminal, I am still sitting.)

(5-29-15) By Bob B