Monday, May 18, 2015

Funny, But Not

Start a rumor in the state of Texas
And watch the state go crazy.
Some Texans' capacity for rational thought
Is becoming increasingly hazy.

Paranoid conservatives in Texas fear
A U.S. military plot--
A government takeover of the state--
Which leaves them horribly distraught.

That martial law will be imposed
Is one of their major concerns.
"Just like Nazi Germany," they say.
The paranoia churns.

The paranoid ones vehemently insist
The government has set its sights
On denying certain citizens of
Their constitutional rights.

Walmart stores--they add--will close
For use as internment camps.
For such a display of complete foolishness,
These Texans are the champs.

Ted Cruz and Louie Gohmert--
Who basically haven't a clue--
Joined the governor's call to prevent
The military coup.

The whole idea is quite hilarious.
How did they ever conceive it?
The scary thing is seeing how many
Gullible people believe it.

(5-18-15) By Bob B