Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Disturbing Beyond Belief

You thought barbarians no longer existed?
Then think again, for witnesses say
That a man was stoned to death in Jamaica--
Yes, STONED to DEATH because he was gay.

Terrorists in Iraq push men from towers
For the same reason--as a crowd watches!
Such actions bring hopes of human
Love and compassion down a few notches.

Women are stoned for alleged adultery.
People are crucified or burned alive.
Beheadings, too, add to the horror.
Reason and sense have taken a dive.

Regarding the many beliefs in the world,
Those that are founded on ignorance and fear
And prove to be cruel and hateful show us
That we have a real problem here.

Conscientious and reasonable seekers
Who see deep truths earnestly advise
That when we approach the ancient scriptures,
We view them through 21st century eyes.

By Bob B (3-10-15)