Wouldn’t there be a
pervasive tranquility
If more people
showed some responsibility?
Why, for example,
can people sue
A restaurant—let’s
say a certain drive-through—
After spilling in
their lap the coffee they’d bought,
And claim that their
coffee had been too hot?
Since coffee can be
hot, why haven’t they learned
That if you aren’t
careful, you can get burned?
This makes me wonder
about the futility
Of expecting
societal responsibility.
Consider the people
about whom you’ve heard mention
Who amble along
without paying attention
With their eyes and
thoughts on their cellular phone,
Fall into a
fountain, and then afterwards moan
And gripe about how
it was stupid because
The fountain should
not have been where it was!
This, too, suggests
the likely futility
That some will ever
show responsibility.
There are also those
people in parking lots
Who leave shopping
carts by their parking spots—
Instead of finding
the appropriate places—
And then speed away
as if off to the races
While the carts roll
through the lot and mar
The paint job on
somebody else’s car.
Again I wonder: is
it a futility
To expect to see
personal responsibility?
And another
thing...ugh...I have a fit
When I’m out for a
walk and I step in dog s--t!
All right, maybe
it’s true I’m not hep,
And I know I have to
watch where I step,
But tell me, is it
laziness or what
That some people
can’t clean up after their mutt?
Does it also to you
seem a futility
To expect in others
some responsibility?
I could give you
another example
For believe you me,
I have ample.
But let me step down
from my soap box. Okay?
And do forgive me if
I’ve been risqué.
You’re certainly not
in the line of fire,
For I’m sure I am
preaching to the choir.
My point today,
which is easy to see,
Is about
(6-14-14) By Bob B