It has to be my
favorite -ism.
So what if we have a
Three cheers for
"Who cares if
it’s wrong or right?
The important thing
is fight, fight, fight.
I don’t care what
others say;
But I'll be damned
if they get their way!
"You have your
cause, I have mine;
But still I have to
draw the line:
I don’t believe in
That’s a word that I
constituents voted for me.
I am sure they’ll
all agree
That I’m the one who
knows the best
When any issue is
"So we shut the
government down.
There’s a jewel in
the crown:
Knowing you can
always guide
The folks to blame
the other side.
"I know there’s
a golden rule,
But let me tell you:
I’m no fool.
It does not apply to
When you’ve got
wealth and status, too.
"I let
lobbyists speak their mind
And with their cause
I’ll be aligned.
(That depends on the amount
That ends up in my bank account.)
"How I love to
With ALL the effort
I can muster!
Also, stalling—it’s
worth noting—
Is good for keeping
us from voting.
"It’s political
To perchance forget
to hide
Your real feelings
on a matter
And not to indulge
in senseless chatter.
"Please don’t
think we are inept.
Actually, we’re
quite adept
At killing proposals
one by one
(And getting very little done).
The next best thing
to favoritism.
We have an
ideological schism,
So three cheers for
(6-22-14) By Bob B