Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Don't Forget Your Gun!

Don’t forget
Your gun, boys,
Don’t forget your gun!
Heed the call;
To hell with ‘em all;
Look out for number one.
It’s your Second
Amendment right;
Don’t let it be undone.
Don’t forget
Your gun, no,
Don’t forget your gun!

I’m off to church.
Where’s my rifle?
Oh, there’s my trusty friend.
You never know
When it might come in
Handy in the end.
Since the Devil is
Just as a rule of thumb:
A few shots
And that bastard
Will be blown to kingdom come!


I love it now
That I can take
My firearms to my school.
What a rush
I get when I
Apply the golden rule:
Unto others
Do what basically
You’d like others to do.
Just remember:
Shoot before
They take a shot at you!


Don’t forget
To take your rifle
With you to the bar.
No need to leave it
Hanging proudly
In your truck or car.
You never know
How many outlaws
You will find in there.
After a few
Glasses of beer,
They haven’t got a prayer!


What a blast
To take my gun
Into a fast food joint!
When I do
I have to say
My actions make a point.
I can watch
As people turn
Away from me and cower.
It makes me feel
Like such a man!
It gives me so much power!

Don’t forget
Your gun, boys,
Don’t forget your gun!
Heed the call;
To hell with ‘em all;
Look out for number one.
It’s your Second
Amendment right.
Plus, it's so much fun!
Don’t forget
Your gun, no,
Don’t forget your gun!

By Bob B (6-4-14)