Strongman Trump has pardoned his thugs.
All along that was his plan.
It's hard to contain one's disgust for such
A vile, shameless, malevolent man.
The thugs had stormed the Capitol.
Because of them, people are dead.
They weren't tourists spreading their love
As Trump in their defense has said.
Many were violent criminals:
Seditious conspirators--bold and proud--
Along with vicious cop assaulters.
Malicious vandals were there in the crowd.
We know that Trump has always had
The lowest standards for pardons ever.
Have we ever seen such a horrible
Abuse of the pardon power? Never!
Clemency for all these thugs?
He's just appealing to his base.
He says it's far too cumbersome
To study the matter case by case.
If any thugs want tours of the Capitol,
Lauren Boebert is taking calls.
Maybe they can show her where
They wiped their feces on the walls.
We hear that Trump has also invited
Some to the White House. Wouldn't you say
That THAT is a slap in the face to the injured
Officers who were there that day?
Strongmen pardon supporters who will
Perpetrate violence on their behalf.
"He thumbed his nose at democracy"
Should ONE day be Trump's epitaph.
-by Bob B (1-23-25)