Monday, January 13, 2025

One of Many Ironies

We read that Jesus was a Jew--

A Palestinian Jew.

He was a poor itinerant preacher

And far from well-to-do.


A Jewish god was thus, of course,

The one to whom he prayed.

Not all, but many Jewish laws

Were ones that he obeyed.


He walked around with twelve disciples--

Also Jewish men--

Who, I guess, were probably

Considered "born again."


The twelve disciples felt he was

The Jewish Messiah, though he

Wasn't exactly what most Jews

Thought the Messiah would be.


To them the Messiah would be a hero

Whose praises they would sing

For being both a peacemaker AND

A powerful, conquering king.


The Jewish Messiah was going to bring

Justice to the land.

The strong Jewish nation would then

Have the upper hand.


They thought that he'd restore the nation

To its former glory.

They needed a powerful leader who

Would fit in with their story.


How could Jesus be their Messiah--

A man so scorned and rejected?

He COULDN’T have been the Anointed One

Whom they had expected.


It really does seem quite ironic

And also very odd

How a rejected Jewish Messiah

Became a Christian god.

-by Bob B (1-12-25)