Thursday, January 30, 2025

Treasonous Talk

Curtis Yarvin--extremist blogger--

Is a real piece of work.

You'll find him on the Internet--

A place where many crackpots lurk.


He wants to dismantle the government

And force all government workers out

Through a plan that he calls RAGE°--

Something that he bandies about.


He claims that voting is now passé

And highly ineffectual.

He says he has a better idea,

This pseudo intellectual:


We should establish someone whom

He calls a “national CEO”--

In other words, a dictator.

He doesn't mince his words--oh, no.


Why do you think Trump is trying

To shut down federal agencies?

His blatant efforts to take control

Should put nobody's mind at ease.


And guess who's also been right there

In Yarvin's pocket all along:

JD Vance. He's singing the same

Scary, anti-democracy song!


They say our current Constitution

Is worthless and ought to be replaced.

In their eyes, our democratic

System should be laid to waste.


If people want to overthrow

Democracy, that's a good reason

For all of us to be alarmed.

That should be considered treason.


-by Bob B (1-30-25)

°Retire All Government Employees

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Welcome Back to Trumplandia

Welcome back to Trumplandia, folks.

The people have decided

To put a man in the White House who wants

To keep the country divided.


Trump's more pompous, more brazen than ever--

Expecting all to kowtow.

If you thought he was bad before,

He's Trump on steroids now.


He is trying to micromanage

The country. That's his goal:

To stifle dissent and pressure supporters

To give him total control.


Filling federal agencies

With sycophants, he knows

He'll obtain undying support

From his Trumplican schmoes.


History is currently being

Rewritten. Say good-bye

To safeguards of democracy.

They're in short supply.


You say the country isn't racist?

Stop and look around.

Project 2025

Is getting off the ground.


Diversity has now become

A practice to assail.

You will get more privileges

If you're white and male.


Agencies must have the approval

Of Trump's administration

Before they are allowed to release

Pertinent information.


The concept of being fit for positions?

That's not Trump's concern.

It's ALL about WHAT you can do for him

Or how much money you earn.


Many folks now live in fear

From one day to the next

Of being deported when Trump's anti-

Immigrant muscle is flexed.


Trump knows how to manipulate people--

How to control and deceive them.

He knows that if he repeats his lies,

His people will believe them.


So welcome back to Trumplandia, folks.

If you're a tried and true

Bigot, racist, or xenophobe,

This is the place for you.

-by Bob B (1-26-25)

Friday, January 24, 2025

Lies from the Great Pretender

If other people said all the things

That Trump says, they would find

Themselves being carted away, for we

Would think that they had lost their mind.


But no, for some unhealthy reason,

Trump will say whatever he wants--

Whatever comes to his evil mind:

Jeers, untruths, attacks, and taunts.


He makes huge issues out of nothing--

Thinking he is Cool Don--

Instead of solving important matters

That we need to focus on.


He's still obsessed with trans issues,

Although trans people represent

A tiny percentage of folks in this country.

But Trump prates on and won't relent.


How can his fans sit there and listen

To all the lies of the Great Pretender?

He tells them their kids can go to school

And come home later a different gender!


When I hear him spout such nonsense,

I cannot help but utter an oath.

Anyone who believes such crap

Has to be crazy or stupid, or both!

-by Bob B (1-24-25)

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Pardoning Thugs

Strongman Trump has pardoned his thugs.

All along that was his plan.

It's hard to contain one's disgust for such

A vile, shameless, malevolent man.


The thugs had stormed the Capitol.

Because of them, people are dead.

They weren't tourists spreading their love

As Trump in their defense has said.


Many were violent criminals:

Seditious conspirators--bold and proud--

Along with vicious cop assaulters.

Malicious vandals were there in the crowd.


We know that Trump has always had

The lowest standards for pardons ever.

Have we ever seen such a horrible

Abuse of the pardon power? Never!


Clemency for all these thugs?

He's just appealing to his base.

He says it's far too cumbersome

To study the matter case by case.


If any thugs want tours of the Capitol,

Lauren Boebert is taking calls.

Maybe they can show her where

They wiped their feces on the walls.


We hear that Trump has also invited

Some to the White House. Wouldn't you say

That THAT is a slap in the face to the injured

Officers who were there that day?


Strongmen pardon supporters who will

Perpetrate violence on their behalf.

"He thumbed his nose at democracy"

Should ONE day be Trump's epitaph.

-by Bob B (1-23-25)

Monday, January 20, 2025

January 20, 2025: National Day of Mourning

Oh, how sad! Too many voters

Refused to listen to the warning.

Because of that, this day this year

Should be a national day of mourning.


We mourn the loss of what we know

Has truly made our country great,

For now we have a person in charge

Who wrote the playbook on how to hate.


A whiny child who cannot handle

Criticism. THAT is he.

If you want to work for him,

You MUST declare your loyalty.


He's no less vicious, no less selfish,

No less shameless, no less crass.

He loves how Zuckerberg, Bezos, Musk,

And others line up to kiss his ass.


He says he stands for unity.

Do people really think he has changed?

His speech and actions show that he

Is no less divisive, no less deranged.


Watch as Trumplicans fall in line

And cave in to his ruthless threats

As he lays out his disastrous agenda,

Vindictive and vengeful, with no regrets.


Amazingly, there are voters

Who think the man was heaven sent!

A pathological liar and felon

Should not be our president!


And so we grieve for America.

What will it take to ease our fears?

What will it take for hope to return?

How will we get through these next four years?

-by Bob B (1-20-25)

Friday, January 17, 2025


Why do many religious folks

Tend to get their feathers ruffled

If people say they are atheists?

Why should atheists have to be muffled?


Atheists are often considered

The devil incarnate or evil unveiled.

They are attacked, their lives are threatened,

They're ostracized and even jailed--


Done in the "name of God," of course.

Oh, the reasons that people give

In countries all over the world where people

Refuse to practice "live and let live"!


Do we need a god to tell us

How to live or how to behave?

If I blindly follow dogma,

Don't I become religion's slave?


Constantly seeking, questioning,

Observing, expressing healthy doubt,

Exploring the many facets of life,

Discovering what life's about,


And learning how to sift through all

The knowledge that we humans have gained

Will help us put more focus on

Issues that can be explained.


Some things, yes, are inexplicable,

Mystifying, beyond our knowing.

A question we must ask ourselves

Should always be "Am I still growing?"


There ARE religious people who aren't

Threatened by what others believe.

Secure in their beliefs, they aren't

Fearful, brain-washed, and naïve.


They do not judge nonbelievers

And tell them they are going to hell.

Tempering their beliefs with love

Is what they do so very well.


And then there are the ones who feel

Compelled to express their condemnation.

They need to mind their OWN business

And worry about their OWN salvation.


If you as a nonbeliever are asked

Your position, a way to convey it

Is merely "I'm an atheist

And I am not afraid to say it."

-by Bob B (1-17-25)

Monday, January 13, 2025

One of Many Ironies

We read that Jesus was a Jew--

A Palestinian Jew.

He was a poor itinerant preacher

And far from well-to-do.


A Jewish god was thus, of course,

The one to whom he prayed.

Not all, but many Jewish laws

Were ones that he obeyed.


He walked around with twelve disciples--

Also Jewish men--

Who, I guess, were probably

Considered "born again."


The twelve disciples felt he was

The Jewish Messiah, though he

Wasn't exactly what most Jews

Thought the Messiah would be.


To them the Messiah would be a hero

Whose praises they would sing

For being both a peacemaker AND

A powerful, conquering king.


The Jewish Messiah was going to bring

Justice to the land.

The strong Jewish nation would then

Have the upper hand.


They thought that he'd restore the nation

To its former glory.

They needed a powerful leader who

Would fit in with their story.


How could Jesus be their Messiah--

A man so scorned and rejected?

He COULDN’T have been the Anointed One

Whom they had expected.


It really does seem quite ironic

And also very odd

How a rejected Jewish Messiah

Became a Christian god.

-by Bob B (1-12-25)