Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Aftermath

Where was all the election fraud

That Trump declared was going on

As he vigorously campaigned

And as his battle lines were drawn?


Oh, I see: fraud occurs

In the event he does not win,

For IF Republicans should lose,

Fraud's the story that they spin.


After a vicious, nasty campaign

Of stirring up fear and employing deceit,

Trump has won a second term

With help from his buddies on easy street.


Once he is in office again,

We will see an escalation

Of his being able to get his way

Through vengeance and intimidation.


He and his crony Elon Musk,

Who has become his partner in crime,

Are ramping up the threats already.

So here's a Trumpian nursery rhyme:


Donnie Trumpy, pudding and pie,

Wants his way or else he'll cry.

Watch him as he flouts our laws;

How much damage will he cause?

-by Bob B (12-19-24)