Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Up to No Good

Listen to this: We all know

That Vladimir Putin is not our friend.

When you hear what he's doing right now,

Every hair should stand on end.


Iran and North Korea have both

Assisted in Putin's bombing campaign.

Now North Korean troops

Are helping Russia to fight in Ukraine!


Putin also asked the owner

Of Starlink Satellite if he'd

Not let it be activated

Over Taiwan. The owner agreed.


Who is the owner? Elon Musk,

Who we know has also had

Secret communications with Putin.

Are you upset? At least a tad?


Putin said that his request

Was a favor to China. Oh, well.

But there is more. It is going

To make you wonder, "What the hell?"


Putin asked Musk NOT to let

Ukraine access his satellite

Over the Black Sea area

Where Russia hoped to exert its might.


Musk has contracts with NASA and with

The DOD. Wouldn't you bet

That his close ties with Putin make him

A national security threat?


We've watched as he's turned Twitter into

A huge propaganda machine.

His connections with Trump and Putin

Show which way his loyalties lean.


We have a serious problem here.

Choose to agree or disagree,

But someone assisting our adversaries

Sounds a lot like a traitor to me.

-by Bob B (11-5-24)