This is NOT the time to give up.
To throw in the cards wouldn't be wise.
In order to save our democracy,
People, we've got to mobilize!
Medicare and social security:
Watch them fade before your eyes.
Protect the benefits we have earned.
People, we've got to mobilize!
People's rights are being threatened.
Discrimination is on the rise.
The wolf is knocking on the door.
People, we've got to mobilize!
Bodily autonomy
Of women is threatened by those who devise
Draconian laws that are killing mothers.
People, we've got to mobilize!
Our health will be in serious danger
By those who want to legitimize
Wild and crazy conspiracy theories.
People, we've got to mobilize!
Look at the suffering that's caused
By lawmakers who demonize
Our immigrant community.
People, we've got to mobilize!
Yes, at times there is too much
Over which to agonize,
So vote, march, write, make calls!
People, we've got to mobilize!
You feel the cards are stacked against you?
Remember: keep your eyes on the prize.
They will try to beat you down.
People, we've got to mobilize!
-by Bob B (11-21-24)