Friday, October 11, 2024

Where Be These Enemies?

"Where be these enemies?"

Asks the Prince. Can he defuse

The bitter, violent feud between

The Capulets and the Montagues?


How sad it is when we observe

How human hatred seems here to stay,

And years and years of antidotes

Of love aren't able to wash it away!


And when we see the tactics used

By some to make America great,

We see the consequences of

The "scourge that's laid upon [our] hate."


The cruel dehumanization of people

Does not bring the people together.

It merely unites a certain group,

Or angry mob--birds of a feather.


The misrepresentation of facts--

Of pulling the wool over people's eyes--

Only perpetuates all the hatred

With a cacophony of lies.


By seeking enemies constantly

In other people, we tend to forget

That "all are punished" because there is

A deeper, darker, more dangerous threat.


"Where be these enemies?"

That's the question we have to pose.

And so it's hatred within our hearts?

There, you've hit it on the nose!

-by Bob B (10-11-24)

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