Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The D.T. Playbook: Chapter 11 (Campaigning)



THIS playbook chapter is

Extremely vital for maintaining

Competitive advantages

When you happen to be campaigning.


Create chaos--the more, the better.

That is one of my winning solutions.

Sow discord and make supporters

Distrust the country's institutions.


Get supporters riled up.

That's NOT a difficult thing to do.

Violence is fine--just be

Certain it's not directed at you.


To rile up people, you have to lie.

Lying is the name of the game.

You can make a lasting impression

If you're crafty and have no shame.


Avoid the discussion of policies

Or real solutions, as much as you can.

Merely say that you will fix

The country because you have a plan.


Develop the art of name calling

And bad-mouthing; THOSE are the kinds

Of things you can do to make distaste

Stick in your supporters' minds.


Make the people fearful of others;

Then your fans will stand by your side.

They won't even know that they're

Being taken for a ride.


Draw support from every extremist

Group that's out there if you can--

Militant groups, nativists,

Christian nationalists, the Klan.


Try to get support from "friends"

In other countries. You can get

Tons of help as they spread lies

All across the Internet.


Don't let accurate information

Regarding your health and mental state

Get into the hands of the public.

My favorite word is obfuscate!


Being "nice" just doesn't cut it;

Be as obnoxious as you can be.

You DON"T want folks to think you're weak.

Rudeness is great; take it from me.


So if you want to win an election,

You merely have to follow my lead.

Remember: if you lose the race,

Never, never, never concede.

-by Bob B (10-15-24)

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