Thursday, October 31, 2024

Remember Josseli

Josseli Barnica was a young mother

Who unfortunately became

The victim of laws in Texas denying

Women their rights. Remember her name.


This happened in 2021,

Even before the overturning

Of Roe v. Wade, and all of us

Should find Josseli's story concerning.


The 28-year-old pregnant mother,

Thrilled to be having child number two,

Learned that she was miscarrying--

Suddenly, and out of the blue.


Occurring shortly after Texas

Had passed strict abortion bans,

The incident reminds us that life

Doesn't always heed our plans.


The doctors faced a dilemma here.

The matter should have been routine,

But the new abortion laws

Made it a crime to intervene.


They said they wanted to help the patient

But told her that their hands were tied.

Because of their delay in treatment,

The young mother, Josseli, died.


Sepsis had taken the mother's life.

Abortion bans can sadly make

Pregnancies quite dangerous,

And many women's lives are at stake.


Lawmakers, are you happy now?

You SHOULD have been aware of the flaws

In your reckless attempts to control

Women with your draconian laws!

-by Bob B (10-31-24)

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


How often throughout our history

When it was growing clear

That danger approached did people say

"It couldn't happen here"?


Could Russians imagine atrocities

That Stalin would engineer?

How many of them might have thought

"It couldn't happen here"?


When Hitler's concentration camps

Started to appear,

How many Germans also insisted

"It couldn't happen here"?


Chairman Mao had policies

So vile, cruel and severe

That millions died. How many had said

"It couldn't happen here"?


Pol Pot with his Killing Fields

Caused millions to shed a tear.

Had Cambodians also thought

"It couldn't happen here"?


Complacency is dangerous

When there are reasons to fear

That tyranny is possible,

For it could happen here!

-by Bob B (10-29-24)

Monday, October 28, 2024

An Easy Decision

Some folks don't like Harris's giggle;

Some folks do not like her laugh.

Some don't like what people say

When they speak on her behalf.


Some, of course, don’t like the fact

That she's a Democrat. Oh, my!

And some would never cast their vote

For her because she's not a guy!


Some don't like her stance on women's

Reproductive rights and choice.

There are those who say they can't

Stand to listen to her voice.


And, of course, there are many

Who think that it is quite all right

To say that they would never vote

For her because she isn't White.


When I hear such stupid, racist,

Misogynistic reasons, I'll stress--

And many folks must also agree--

That all of that is pure BS!


They'd rather vote for a man, who,

When asked difficult questions, balks?

They'd VOTE for a man who sounds just like

A racist and fascist when he talks?


A man who'll chase down his opponents?

(We all know he's keeping tallies.)

Whose speakers belittle Puerto Ricans

When speaking at his campaign rallies?


Dehumanizing immigrants

In general is Trump's M.O.

You think he will not go any lower?

Just WATCH! You'll see how low he'll go.


Even if a person doesn't

Agree with Harris one hundred percent,

How could anyone not think that

She'd be a better president?


Protecting our democracy:

That's the pivotal issue here.

Should people vote for her or him?

The answer should be very clear.

-by Bob B (10-28-24)

Sunday, October 27, 2024

When Michelle Gives a Speech

Fighting for our freedoms is

A goal within our reach.

That's a major focus when

Michelle gives a speech.°


If she sings your praises, then

That is something each

And everyone should cherish when

Michelle gives a speech.


If YOU embrace important thoughts

That speakers want to teach,

Then you'll appreciate it when

Michelle gives a speech.


Rightly she unmasks the man

The House did twice impeach.

The words are blunt and lucid when

Michelle gives a speech.


She SIMPLY calls it what it is

And doesn't have to preach.

Each word hits the target when

Michelle gives a speech.


Trump's thick barrier of lies

Is what her words can breach.

Everyone should listen when

Michelle gives a speech.


Some folks always rant and rave

And shout and shriek and screech.

However, you won't hear that when

Michelle gives a speech.


If you've never heard her speak,

Then you I do beseech

To take the time to hear her when

Michelle gives a speech.

-by Bob B (10-27-24)

°Referring to Michelle Obama's speech at the Harris rally in Kalamazoo, MI, on 10-26-24

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Really Now!

So Mike Johnson° and Mitch McConnell°°

Are angry with Harris, for she

Called Donald Trump a fascist.

Oh, my goodness me!


Let's just say there COULD be a reason

Why she went out on a limb:

She was just agreeing with

People who'd worked with him.


General Kelly°°° and General Milley°°°°

Expressed a condemnation

Directed at Trump. They said he was

A dangerous threat to this nation.


Perhaps there is another reason

Why she would concur.

But first, let's look at some of the things

That Trump has said about her:


He has called her a communist,

A fascist and Marxist and still

Continues to say that she is stupid

And also mentally ill.


When Trump criticizes others--

Something he'll often do--

His words reflect aspects of

Himself. That's so true!


Frankly, after hearing and seeing

All he's said and done,

If either of the two were a fascist,

HE would be the one.


Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell

Ought to open their eyes

To see how they hurt America

By spreading MAGA lies.


-by Bob B (10-26-24)


°Current speaker of the House

°°Senate minority leader

°°°Former White House chief of staff

°°°°Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Thursday, October 24, 2024

It Has to Be a Duck

If I were the president,

Would it really be okay

To go after my opponents

By weaponizing the DOJ?


If I said that I'd shut down

Papers or networks reporting news

That made me feel uncomfortable

Because they criticized my views;


Or that I'd want to terminate

Parts of the U.S. Constitution;

Or that certain peoples are

Animals, or gene pollution;


Or that I'd use the military

Against American citizens here;

Wouldn't you agree that my

Ideas would be cruelly severe?


What if I said that there would be

A bloodbath after the fall elections;

That my political enemies

Would be locked up per my directions;


That I would want to execute

Former joint chiefs of staff

(Of course, I'd let appointed henchmen

Do it all on my behalf);


Or that I wished my generals

Would be much more like Hitler's? Say what?

Then wouldn't you find my message

To be alarmingly clear-cut?


I'd be called a fascist--yes,

If all of the above were true.

And since Trump has promised it all,

He would have to be one, too.


When people say he doesn't sound

At all like a fascist, I'm thunderstruck.

If something walks and flies and quacks

And looks like a duck, it's a duck!

-by Bob B (10-24-24)

Saturday, October 19, 2024

He's a Mess!

(This poem could be sung to the melody of Cole Porter's song "You're the Top" from ANYTHING GOES.)


The fear's gigantic;

I'm getting frantic.

Although it MIGHT make some folks squirm,

My thoughts about this are really firm:

There can't be a second term.

It's worth repeating;

I'm not retreating,

For I know there's a lot at stake.

And if my ramble

Is worth the gamble,

I can't help saying

Which choice I'd make.


He's a mess.

He's a real loser.

He's a mess.

He's a sunken cruiser.

He's a song that goes on and on; who knows how long?

He's a rotten apple,

A rusty scapple,

A deal gone wrong.


He's a car

That has lost its power.

He's a jar

Full of food that's sour.

He's a popped balloon, a sick cartoon, and yes,

You can't help but see how truly

He's a mess!


He's a mess.

He is Batman's Joker.

He's a grade--

Worse than mediocre.

He's a cloudy day that's so cold and gray in spring.

He is Putin's BFF,

Hannibal Lecter's chef,

A ding-a-ling!


He's the score

Of the team that's losing.

He's a joke

That is not amusing.

So much separates the candidates. I'll stress:

I would NEVER vote for Trump 'cause

He's a mess!

-by Bob B (10-19-24)