Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The REAL Crime

The account that follows fills me with sadness--

Sadness and anger at the same time.

Oftentimes a draconian law

Can itself be a crime.


A mother, Amber Nicole Thurman,

Because of Georgia's abortion "solution,"

Died because her doctors wouldn't

Treat her, fearing prosecution.


Unexpelled fetal tissue

Required attention--a D&C.°

Thurman had developed sepsis.

They had to move ASAP.


But because of Georgia's laws,

The doctors, afraid of going to jail,

Waited far too long to act.

Thurman's organs had started to fail.


When the doctors finally

Performed the procedure, it was too late,

Thanks to the strict and narrow-minded

Laws affecting the folks in that state.


Governor Kemp was thrilled when the state's

Abortion ban went into effect.

What other anti-freedom laws

Will Georgia try to resurrect?


Whether to end a pregnancy

Is not an easy decision, but still,

Women should have the right to decide

If it should be by procedure or pill.


Applying loaded words such as "murder"

To women and doctors is simply wrong!

Some lawmakers want us to think

That we are weak, but they are strong.


In their attempts to limit women's

Choice, they think that they have won,

While Amber Thurman leaves behind

A six-year-old motherless son.

-by Bob B (9-18-24)

°dilation and curettage, a surgical procedure that involves removing tissue from the uterus

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