The Cult of Trump does NOT want all
Americans to vote UNLESS
They cast their vote for a certain person.
Who do you think that could be? GUESS!
WHAT they're saying is IF Trump doesn't
Win the election this fall, by God!
That means the whole election was rigged
Because of rampant voter fraud!
There's NO evidence whatsoever
Of massive voter fraud, and yet
Trumplicans are spreading the lie
That it is a major threat.
Immigrants who happen to be
Undocumented, they say,
Are registering to vote in hordes.
That's NOT occurring, by the way.
Spreading such vile misinformation
Is devious and downright wrong.
And yet election deniers continue
To keep on singing the same old song.
Now they're saying that President Biden
Is encouraging people to vote
Who aren't American citizens!
Another lie they want to promote.
Sowing distrust in our elections
Is one of their underhanded goals:
Jim Crow-era strategies
To keep Americans from the polls.
When people have to cheat to win,
Have they no decency? Have they no shame?
How sad for the country to see so many
People playing the Lying Game!
-by Bob B (9-5-24)