Sunday, September 29, 2024

They're at It Again!

I'm SO tired--so VERY tired--

Of what the Right is doing.

I'm tired of crooked strategies--

The nonsense always brewing.


We haven't even voted yet,

And yet they're planning cases

To fight upcoming election results

In courts in various places.


They've GLOMMED onto some far-right lies

Of rampant voter fraud;

Their talk of voter integrity

Is merely a façade.


They feel that there is no way that

Trump can be defeated

In a major election unless

Thousands of voters cheated!


Their baseless allegations show

Their sorry desperation.

May one more nail go into their coffins

With every accusation!

-by Bob B (9-29-24)

Friday, September 27, 2024

Malignant Narcissist par Excellence

Malignant narcissists are dangerous people

With no concern for others—not a bit!

They require constant admiration.

If things don't go their way, they have a fit.


It’s a personality disorder,

And those who suffer from it have a dearth

Of sympathetic feelings and compassion

And have inflated concepts of self-worth.


They derive great pleasure when they lie

To get all that they want and have no shame

Employing any means on earth to have

Control of others, power, wealth, or fame.


Paranoid, they often say that they

Are being persecuted without proof.

Distancing themselves from social standards,

They tend to be standoffish, cold, aloof.


They can be obnoxiously aggressive,

And since they are so selfish, they, of course,

Eagerly abuse and hurt their victims,

And do it with no feelings of remorse.


You MUST have noticed that these traits appear

In someone who is hoping he will be

Living once again inside the White House.

The characteristics fit him to a T!

-by Bob B (9-26-24)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

An Eye for an Eye

What will it take to overcome

The anger, the constant retaliation,

The frequent demand of an eye for an eye,

The bellicose leaders and war-caused starvation?


What will it take to put an end

To built-in hatred that's centuries old,

To never-ending power plays,

To warring factions that can't be controlled?


What will it take to stop the many

Proxy wars that kill and maim

Innocent people who then become

Collateral damage in a war game?

What will it take to persuade intransigent

People with power to compromise--

To strive for peaceful solutions by seeing

The world through more compassionate eyes?


What WILL it take? Is it beyond

Our human capacity to know?

Is it part of our DNA

To always have to battle a foe?


And if there's a god who could intervene,

He/She/It must be horrified

To watch the battling parties at work,

Each one thinking a god's on its side.

-by Bob B (9-24-24)

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Who ARE You, Mr. Robinson?

Wow, Mr. Robinson!°

Talk about an aberration!

You are very near to reaching

The lowest point of depravation.


You want to be the governor

Of North Carolina, you say.

But you do not appear to be

Going about it in a good way.


You said that reinstating human

Enslavement wouldn't be so bad

And that you'd "certainly buy a few"

Slaves if you could. What a cad!


And Dr. Martin Luther King

Was an f-word commie b-word?

Well, Mr. Robinson,

You sound like a real p-word!


You prefer Hitler to

Barack Obama? It seems you lack

An understanding of history.

Have you forgotten that you are black?


And yet you went and called yourself

A "black Nazi," which clearly means

You couldn't care less if you should blow

Your reputation to smithereens.


You attack transgender rights,

And when you said "some folks need killing,"

What folks were you talking about?

Your words at times are truly chilling.


You cannot help casting slurs

On Blacks and gays and Muslims and Jews.

How could anybody vote

For someone with such crazy views?


In choosing such a candidate

For governor, Mr. R,

It shows that state Republicans

Have definitely lowered the bar.

-by Bob B (9-21-24)

°Mark Robinson, Lt. Governor of NC and running for governor of the state

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The REAL Crime

The account that follows fills me with sadness--

Sadness and anger at the same time.

Oftentimes a draconian law

Can itself be a crime.


A mother, Amber Nicole Thurman,

Because of Georgia's abortion "solution,"

Died because her doctors wouldn't

Treat her, fearing prosecution.


Unexpelled fetal tissue

Required attention--a D&C.°

Thurman had developed sepsis.

They had to move ASAP.


But because of Georgia's laws,

The doctors, afraid of going to jail,

Waited far too long to act.

Thurman's organs had started to fail.


When the doctors finally

Performed the procedure, it was too late,

Thanks to the strict and narrow-minded

Laws affecting the folks in that state.


Governor Kemp was thrilled when the state's

Abortion ban went into effect.

What other anti-freedom laws

Will Georgia try to resurrect?


Whether to end a pregnancy

Is not an easy decision, but still,

Women should have the right to decide

If it should be by procedure or pill.


Applying loaded words such as "murder"

To women and doctors is simply wrong!

Some lawmakers want us to think

That we are weak, but they are strong.


In their attempts to limit women's

Choice, they think that they have won,

While Amber Thurman leaves behind

A six-year-old motherless son.

-by Bob B (9-18-24)

°dilation and curettage, a surgical procedure that involves removing tissue from the uterus

Friday, September 13, 2024

Exploring the Divine

Some folks think that God is Love--

A concept that is much revered;

Other people say that he's

An elderly man with a long, white beard.


Some say he is strict and vengeful,

Ready to banish sinners to hell;

Others say he is merciful,

Unless you are an infidel.


There are many people on Earth

Who believe that gods are many;

There are also people on Earth

Who don't believe that there are any.


Many monotheistic people

Firmly believe that God had a son.

They reconcile their one-God view

By saying the TWO are really ONE.


The gods of polytheistic folks

Also have offspring--babies galore.

When you believe in multiple gods,

There is always room for more.


Some folks say God's NOT a he,

But maybe a she or even an it;

And many say you MUST believe

Or end up In a fiery pit.


Some believe that God is Nature,

Which boils down to THAT which IS.

Then should Nature's hand towel be

Marked with "ITS" or "HERS" or "HIS"?


Some believe that God's impatient,

Too demanding, and quick to condemn;

And there are those who truly believe

That God communicates with them.


Those who "talk" to God are not

Necessarily addle-pated;

But those who say God talks to them

Maybe should be medicated.


Some say that their sacred scriptures

Prove their god or gods exist.

Of course, all those writings prove

Nothing to an atheist.


No one knows for sure if God

Is or isn't a human invention.

The best we can do is say God is

Beyond our human comprehension.

-by Bob B (9-13-24)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

What a Debate!

The Trump v. Harris TV showdown

Had long been anticipated,

And Trump's usual windstorm of lies

Continued to blow unabated.


I saw a text by a friend who wrote,

"That was amazing. Wasn't Trump great?"

I had to ask, "Were she and I

Both watching the same debate?"


Trump repeated again and again

His strange and false information

Regarding our economy,

Roe v. Wade, and immigration.


He couldn't speak on policies

Or even describe his healthcare plan.

Refusing to look at Harris, he looked

More like a weak, pitiful man.


When talking about a world leader

Who sang his praises, what did he do?

He referred to Viktor Orbán--

A demagogue, through and through!


Harris spoke of child tax credits,

Job creation, business assistance,

Energy plans, women's choice,

Moving forward, and coexistence.


True, a couple of times she did

Sidestep her questions; that I admit.

For Trump, that is par for the course.

And when he's pressed, he throws a fit.


How could any voter be

Undecided when it's so clear

Who is fit to lead us forward

Toward a hopeful, new frontier?

-by Bob B (9-11-24)

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Disinformation Campaign

Watch out, childless cat ladies!

This is as crazy as it gets:

JD Vance says migrants who

Shouldn't be here are eating our pets.


Republicans continue to push

A giant disinformation campaign--

One that makes conscientious

People ask: "ARE THEY INSANE?"


Throwing spaghetti at the wall,

They say, "Whatever sticks will do"

And hope that with their tactics they

Can stir up fear in me and you.


If there's a way that they can create

A fear of immigrants, they will try it.

It's the old scapegoat idea

That they are pushing. They hope you'll buy it.


And many of these Republicans

Have taken their giant erasers out

In order to erase our past,

Cause confusion, and bring up doubt.


To rewrite history is their goal.

They want to ignore our racist past.

Historians are wrong, they say.

The truth is out, at long last.


Russian asset Tucker Carlson,

Embracing Holocaust deniers,

Is touring the country with JD Vance,

Spreading poison and looking for buyers.


They insists that the Holocaust

Was principally a Jewish hoax,

Created with the intention to

Defame white Christian folks!


Voters have to realize

How dangerous these nuts can be

And how with power in their hands

They're a threat to democracy.

-by Bob B (9-10-24)