Monday, August 26, 2024

Stop the Bans!

Book banning is humankind's

Sad display of puny minds.

Narrowmindedness, indeed,

Spreads as does a nasty weed.


It's another way to control

What others can do, and on the whole,

Banning books is clearly a tool

Of harsh, dictatorial rule.


If you don't want your kids to peruse

A certain book, then you can choose

To tell your kids, "It's not for you."

But DON’T tell others what THEY can't do.


Some books headed for the bin

Have gay characters therein.

Making believe that gays aren't here

Will not make them disappear.


It's so absurd when people say

That books can turn their children gay.

Books can merely make it known

That gay youth are not alone


And that we are not all the same;

Therefore, no one should feel shame.

Families can be different from

One another. Rule of thumb:


Open minds, open hearts:

That's where loving acceptance starts.

Providing people with love and support

Is an idea we all should court.


And if a kid remarks, "Ye gads!

Why does Freddy have two dads?"

A book can show the reason why

And simply try to clarify.


If Hope, perchance, has TWO moms, we

Should not say "I disagree

With their lifestyle." No, we should

Say "LOVE is love, and LOVE is good."


Here's a thing to contemplate:

Books don't make us gay or straight.

Instead, they help us understand

Ourselves and thus should not be banned.

-by Bob B (8-25-24)

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