Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Now THAT'S How You Do It!

The DNC commenced last night,

And wow, what a shot in the arm!

Mr. Trump had better watch out!

He must feel a sense of alarm.


How refreshing it is to feel

Optimistic once again!

Enlightening, it was like

Experiencing a moment of Zen!


Dignity, decency,

Love, integrity, and truth

Were key words mentioned last night.

Let's hope they inspire our youth.


Women's right to make their choices

Regarding their bodies was a theme.

And how to control corporate greed

Should be more than just a dream.


Celebrating our common purpose

And selfless leadership as well

Made the atmosphere electric

And cast a thrilling, uplifting spell.


Giving praise to diversity

And honoring the working class

Were key, last night, along with the hope

Of shattering the ceiling of glass.

When Hillary spoke--oh, my goodness!--

No doubt about it: she was on fire.

Hearing such a powerful speech

Is something of which I never tire.


President Biden was recognized.

Graciously, he passed the baton

To Harris, who will lead us forth.

It's no longer Joe versus Don.


We can see a brand new light.

The bright future will contrast

With Trump's barely illuminated

Journey back to a dismal past.


Freedom and democracy

Are entering a new dimension.

What a motivation for voters!

What a way to start a convention!

-by Bob B (8-20-24)

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