Wednesday, June 12, 2024

How Many?

Recently, Israelis rescued

Four hostages. People are thrilled.

But during the rescue, how many innocent

Palestinian civilians were killed?


The attack by Hamas on October 7

Was indeed an abomination,

And when a life is saved, that

Should be a cause for celebration.


But let's not lose sight of the huge loss

Of innocent lives since all this started.

It's hard to see what's happening

In Gaza and not feel broken-hearted.


What a shame that so many people

Are caught in between two warring factions

And suffer because of Hamas's attacks

And Netanyahu's revengeful reactions.


Reports vary as to how many

Civilians have died, but numbers are high--

More civilians than combatants,

But numbers are hard to verify.°


We must put pressure on BOTH sides

In order to make these numbers drop.

They have to put an end to this conflict.

All this killing has got to stop!

-by Bob B (6-12-24)

°The U.N. estimates more than 34,000 Palestinians in Gaza and more than 1,200 people in Israel have died in the war.

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