Saturday, June 24, 2023

The D.T. Playbook: Chapter 10 (Classified Docs)



If you have some classified docs,

Whatever you do, don't ignore them.

Put them in your bathroom, for it's

The perfect place for you to store them.


Therefore, when your guests come to visit,

They'll be fully guaranteed

To have--while they are on the pot--

Something interesting to read.


And if the toilet paper dispenser

Is empty, and they are in a rut,

They can always use the docs

To…well, you know…to wipe their butt.


It gives me such a feeling of power

Just to know the docs are there.

If you fear that you'll run out

Of reading material, don't despair.


I have box after box after box.

That should keep you occupied

For many hours. Top secret?

Bah! I've got nothing to hide.


There's one that I've been looking for--

The one that has the nuclear codes.

If you find it, let me have it,

Or I'll have one of my episodes.


I maintain that presidents--

Current or former--can do what they want.

Thumbing my nose at everyone else:

That is something I like to flaunt.


Now that I have been indicted,

Up my sleeve I have an ace.

I'm sure that a judge that I appointed

Is going to help me win my case.

-by Bob B (6-24-23)