Friday, June 9, 2023

Moving On

So ol' Pat Robertson kicked the bucket.

For him the bell has tolled.

He shouldn't complain; he lived to be

Ninety-three years old.


He used his power to galvanize

A staunch religious Right,

And nonsensical culture wars

Became his constant fight.


Having no problem whatsoever

Blending church and state,

Robertson used the media

To spread his platform of hate.


Feminism drove many women

To witchcraft--an evil path--

Robertson claimed, and earthquakes, he said,

Were caused by Jehovah's wrath.


One of his most wrongheaded statements--

Obnoxious in so many ways--

Was when he stated that 9/11

Attacks were caused by gays!


Dangerously incendiary

Statements to him were candy,

And lashing out at others became

His modus operandi.


Equating gays with Satanists

And Nazis--so malicious--

Robertson seemed so very obsessed

With gays. Highly suspicious!


I wonder if he'll realize NOW--

And I don’t mean to be snarky--

That much of what he spouted here

On Earth was full of malarkey.

-by Bob B (6-9-23)