Sunday, December 18, 2022

Donald the Showman

(This poem could be sung to the melody of "Frosty the Snowman" by Jack Rollins and Steve Nelson.)


Donald the showman

Is a miracle they say,

For it always seems that despite his schemes,

He always gets away.


Donald the showman

Is a grifter and a con.

Though a real nutcase, if you ask his base,

He's their "father"; he's their don.


His recent big announcement was

New digital trading cards.

Supporters bought them up and then

They all sent him their regards.


Yes, Donald the showman

Has been conning all his life.

People shout out "Wow!" and they wonder how

He could ever keep a wife.


Donald the showman

Wants to win a second term,

But as walls close in and as ice grows thin,

You can watch the con man squirm.


His picture's on his trading cards;

His ego knows no bounds.

The more he speaks, the more he rants,

The crazier he sounds.


Donald the showman

Will invite you to his pad

If you make the news with extremist views.

That will surely make him glad.


Donald the showman

Looks for folks to string along.

He thinks he'll stay free with impunity,

But let's hope that he is wrong.




Will he ever see…





-by Bob B (12-18-22)