Be the peace that you would like
To spread around the world and know
That it comes from deep within,
And when it's nurtured, it will grow.
Be the laughter you want to hear
Fill the air with glee and mirth.
Let its contagious sounds extend
To people everywhere on Earth.
Be the light that you want to see
Radiate both near and far.
Let it serve as a beacon of hope;
Let it be a guiding star.
Be the love that unites the world--
A love that's meaningful and real.
Let its radiance gloriously
Embrace all living things with zeal.
Be the antidote to anger.
Let compassion fill your heart,
For ill-will tries to overpower
Love and tear the world apart.
Be a person who always seeks
To make the world a better place.
Let your glowing smile be mirrored
On every other person's face.
-by Bob B (12-17-22)