Thursday, April 7, 2022

More on the QAnon Queen

Dangerous you might call her.

Off her rocker as well.

Her strange, obnoxious behavior

Is hard for her to quell.


How she was ever elected

Is anybody's guess,

And yet she's found supporters

To give her the guise of success.


Totally out of place

In Congress, she carries on

As though her sense of decorum

And decency are gone.


She heckles speakers in Congress,

And always seems to be lusting

After ill-gotten attention.

Her antics are disgusting.


Her wacky QAnon stories

Are so far off base

That any sensible person

Would find them hard to embrace.


Now she's attacking opponents

In her typical style:

If you oppose her ideas,

You're called "pro-pedophile."


She lives for lies and drama

And loves to make a scene.

You must know who she is:

Marjorie Taylor Greene.

-by Bob B (4-7-22)