It seems that many speakers of English
Appeared to succumb to slumber
When English lessons were taught regarding
The words "amount" and "number."
Large amounts of time. Correct.
Large amounts of rice.
"Amount" refers to something seen
As a mass, to be precise.
But when we refer to things we can count,
"Number" should be used.
For some reason, English speakers
Often get confused.
A large number of people, we say,
Vote in our elections.
Or a number of germs out there
Can cause major infections.
A large amount of people? No!
Do not go there, please.
But it's quite all right to request
A small amount of cheese.
"Beans" is one of those funny words
Often used as a mass:
I ate a large amount of beans,
And boy, do I have gas!
It really shouldn't be too hard
If you know how to count
To know how to distinguish between
"Number" and "amount."
-by Bob B (4-1-22)