Compared to the age of the universe,
Our time on Earth is rather brief.
Still, the longer we live, the more
We'll walk hand and hand with grief.
Death knocks on the doors of others
And calmly ushers them away.
No matter how much a person resists,
Death will have its final say.
When losing family and friends,
It's hard to describe the pain we feel.
But when we consider our own demise,
The whole idea is oddly surreal.
The thought of suddenly being no more--
At least in our current bodily form--
Is totally foreign to us, for knowing
The world through our senses has been the norm.
Someday my favorite chair
Will no longer feel my rear.
The sound of my voice--my cries, my laughter--
Will not reach a single ear.
When I go, I’ll join the ranks
Of billions of other people who
Have died before me, which reminds me
That having to die is nothing new.
To let go and face the unknown,
Not to worry, not to fret…
We know that life is constant change--
That death is part of life--and yet….
-by Bob B (4-26-22)