There always have been wacky people
Looking for an eager ear
To listen to their way-out theories.
Move over, wackos: QAnon's here.
So you thought flat-earthers were crazy
Who have no shame in taking a risk
In saying that the shape of the earth
Resembles NOT a sphere but a disc.
QAnon is way out there.
Conspiracy theories are their lot:
Like sex-trafficking Satan-worshiping
Pedophiles in a government plot.
That Trump was chosen to save us all
Is part of the total insanity--
As though the man hasn't done more
To hurt--not help--humanity.
Desperate people use desperate measures.
Trump called a QAnon member a "star."
(When it comes to overall standards,
He knows how to lower the bar.)
It's hard to imagine how QAnon
Theories could generate such an appeal.
For people to be so out of touch
With reality is a scary deal.
-by Bob B (8-22-20)
They are running for public office. So hoping that Nov 3rd puts an end to this. We are so tired....