Friday, July 24, 2020

Still Hanging Around

Hey, everybody! Just in case

You thought I was going away…WRONG!

There is so much more I want

To do before I say, "So long!"


I'm sure by now you know my name.

Some people call me Mr. C.--

The "C" being short for Coronavirus.

You must have seen me on TV.


I'm a social kind of guy.

Where there are crowds, I can be found.

You can do your best to ignore me

And act as though I'm not around,


But I rely on your assistance,

Whether you want to meet me or not.

I can easily find you if

You want me to. Give it a shot.


I like traveling around the world--

From country to country and city to city.

If I go before you get

The chance to meet me, more's the pity.


"Look what you have done to our

Economy," people say.

Economies, borders, age groups, gender:

I let nothing get in my way.


My meetings with some are quite protracted;

With some the encounter is short and sweet.

Excuse me now, for I must go.

I've got many more people to meet.

-by Bob B (7-24-20)