Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Snake Oil for Sale

Step right up, folks. You will see

That I have a product that's basically free.

The only cost--the only expense--

Is sacrificing your common sense.


Though SOME people give them a different name,

Conspiracy theories are my game.

They're quite easy to get behind

If you have a paranoid mind.


Misinformation can cause confusion

By relegating truth to the world of illusion

And make you think that wrong is right--

That white is black and black is white.


The more outrageous, the more far-fetched,

The more bizarrely the truth can be stretched,

The more my theories will gather force.

Yep, that's just a matter of course.


From PizzaGate to voter fraud,

Conspiracy theories--no matter how odd--

Will spread across the Internet,

Seeking out every space cadet.


Some of the craziest ones we've seen

Are focused on the spread of COVID-19.

The deep state myths are other ones;

Or the Dems are out to get your guns.


The president--one of my biggest fans--

Is such an asset to my plans.

As long as ignorance continues to grow,

My stories will continue to flow.

-by Bob B (7-29-20)