Thursday, November 29, 2018

When I Write a Poem

When I write a poem,
I find that all at once
A world of wonderment envelops me.
Life takes on new forms,
New thoughts come alive,
And tints of magic color all I see.

When I write a poem,
Longing grips my heart--
A longing to express what's deep inside.
The more I wander through
The wondrous realm of words,
Life becomes much more intensified.

Sometimes bright and hopeful,
Sometimes dark or gray,
Words say what my heart
Wants me to convey.

When I write a poem,
A passion, hope, or dream
Compels me to move forward word by word.
Once my poem's finished,
What else is there to say?
At least I've tried to let my voice be heard.

-by Bob B (11-29-18)