Sits at the
Thanksgiving table,
Wanting to let the
sadness depart,
But at the moment
they aren't able.
You see, the husband
and wife just lost
Their son in a
shooting two weeks prior.
An angry gunman
entered a club,
Took out his gun,
and opened fire.
The topic of being
thankful arises.
The couple wonders,
should they be
Thankful that their
country permits
Shootings to happen
to such a degree?
Should they also be
thankful that
So many lawmakers
have been unwilling
To tackle a problem
that's out of control--
To stop or curtail
the senseless killing?
Likewise, should
they be thankful that
Hypocrisy and greed
They--along with
Allow such
nightmares to persist.
That far too many
members of Congress
And the highest
court in all the land
Are out of step with
most of the people,
Whose wishes they
fail to understand:
Should the couple be
thankful for that?
Will anything change
when they're less distraught?
Deciding what to be thankful for
At the moment would
take a lot of thought.
No, it's better not
to ask them
While their hearts
are rent from sorrow.
What they need right
now is hope
That there could be
a brighter tomorrow.
-by Bob B (11-23-18)