Friday, November 30, 2018

Gut Feeling

The president loves to carry on
About his gut and how it guides him.
How can anybody believe
A word of all of his nonsense besides him?

His gut encourages him to lie
And do it while he keeps a straight face.
It helps him create far-fetched stories

To dupe and galvanize his base.

His gut is great at seeking out
The shiftiest autocrats around,
So he can make America
His autocratic proving ground.

It's also very good at distracting
The country from what is REALLY going on--
At how to attract his servile lackeys
While he plays the role of the don.

It helps him to be great at knowing
How to pander to various groups
Such as evangelicals
Who kiss his you-know-what. Oops!

His gut tells him that scientists
Are full of baloney when they proclaim
That global warming is a threat
And humankind is largely to blame.

His gut says illegal voting
Is rampant. Doesn't he find it odd
That experts have found no proof at all
Of widespread voter fraud?

His gut says he hires the best people.
That makes him SO excited.
But how many have left their jobs?
How many have been indicted?

His gut said that he could pay money
To silence affairs and get away with it.
Did his gut let him know
Whether his wife would be okay with it?

His gut tells him that as the leader
He can do what he desires,
Which must include collusion, obstruction
Of justice, and calling dissenters liars.

Yes, I agree: gut feeling
Can be useful at times, BUT
Why can't the president
Start using reason and NOT his gut?

-by Bob B (11-30-18)

Thursday, November 29, 2018

When I Write a Poem

When I write a poem,
I find that all at once
A world of wonderment envelops me.
Life takes on new forms,
New thoughts come alive,
And tints of magic color all I see.

When I write a poem,
Longing grips my heart--
A longing to express what's deep inside.
The more I wander through
The wondrous realm of words,
Life becomes much more intensified.

Sometimes bright and hopeful,
Sometimes dark or gray,
Words say what my heart
Wants me to convey.

When I write a poem,
A passion, hope, or dream
Compels me to move forward word by word.
Once my poem's finished,
What else is there to say?
At least I've tried to let my voice be heard.

-by Bob B (11-29-18)

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

A Sad Deal Maker

Racism in politics:
Shouldn't it be a deal breaker?
But in some places it
Appears to be a deal maker.

A candidate who jokes about
Public hangings and embraces
Voter suppression candidly
Can win elections in certain places.

She can wear a confederate cap
And pose with a rifle. Would she brag
About her segregation academy
Photo with a confederate flag?

Racism is a monster with
Tentacles reaching far and wide.
Many grasped by its hateful clutches
Often deny it, but how they've lied!

I used to think that humans had
Progressed, and my naïveté
Made it hard to accept that it
Existed in the world today.

But, oh, it is alive and well--
Sometimes blatant, sometimes systemic.
It must be countered by understanding,
Empathy, and fierce polemic.

-by Bob B (11-28-18)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Why Are You Crying?

"Why are you crying, mother of two?
Tears stain your fearful face."
"The country where I was born and raised
Is now a frightening, deadly place."

"Why are you crying, mother of two?
Tell me why your tears don't cease."
"The journey north is hard, yet we
Yearn to live in a land of peace."

"Why are you crying, mother of two?
Have you lost faith in your caravan?"
"The president says that we are a threat;
He says that we're the bogeyman."

"Why are you crying, mother of two?
Because you’re hungry and have no shoes?"
"We've come seeking asylum, yet we
Are now hearing discouraging news."

"Why are you crying, mother of two?
What is it that gives you pause?"
"We would like to be heard, but now
The president is changing the laws."

"Why are you crying, mother of two?
Do you fear the guard, or sentry?"
"They won't let us plead our case;
They're even blocking the ports of entry."

"Why are you crying, mother of two?
Why the chaos? Why the disorder?"
"Authorities see our desperation;
They've shot tear gas over the border."

"Why are you crying, mother of two?
You are running and out of breath."
"My future may be uncertain here,
But one thing I know: home means death."

-by Bob B (11-27-18)

Saturday, November 24, 2018

A World in Crisis

A year ago at the North Pole
Santa STILL had a sign
That read "For Sale," posted on
His slushy, sludgy property line.

We stopped by to pay a visit
And found Santa out of sorts.
He asked if we perchance had read
Recent global warming reports.

"Things are looking worse than ever,"
He said, on the verge of crying.
"The ice caps continue to melt,
And the world's coral reefs are dying.

"We'll be seeing flooding coastlines,
Food shortages, wildfires….
And some even have the nerve
To call the prognosticators liars!

"People ask if it's too late.
I tell them that it depends
We can stop the warming, BUT
We MUST reverse emissions trends.

"If the earth's temperature rises
Two point seven degrees, they write,
Above pre-industrial levels--
That's degrees in Fahrenheit--

"We'll face dire consequences:
Mass extinctions of animals and plants,
Wobbly countries, refugees….
These are NOT just foolish rants!

"The world economy must be transformed.
Come on! You have to use your head!
Renewable sources of energy
Are vital; otherwise, we're dead."

How sad it was to see a man
Who once had been so cheerful and jolly
Now become so sad and so
Demoralized by human folly!

He showed us his dilapidated
House, and then with a sigh,
He said, "I've got work to do,"
At which point we all said good-bye.

-by Bob B (11-24-18)

Friday, November 23, 2018

Giving Thanks?

A couple with eyes swollen from grief
Sits at the Thanksgiving table,
Wanting to let the sadness depart,
But at the moment they aren't able.

You see, the husband and wife just lost
Their son in a shooting two weeks prior.
An angry gunman entered a club,
Took out his gun, and opened fire.

The topic of being thankful arises.
The couple wonders, should they be
Thankful that their country permits
Shootings to happen to such a degree?

Should they also be thankful that
So many lawmakers have been unwilling
To tackle a problem that's out of control--
To stop or curtail the senseless killing?

Likewise, should they be thankful that
Hypocrisy and greed exist?
They--along with callousness--
Allow such nightmares to persist.

That far too many members of Congress
And the highest court in all the land
Are out of step with most of the people,
Whose wishes they fail to understand:

Should the couple be thankful for that?
Will anything change when they're less distraught?
Deciding what to be thankful for
At the moment would take a lot of thought.

No, it's better not to ask them
While their hearts are rent from sorrow.
What they need right now is hope
That there could be a brighter tomorrow.

-by Bob B (11-23-18)

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Remembering Those in Need

As you sit at your table on Thanksgiving Day
Voraciously gorging yourself on your feast,
Remember those who are suffering
In a proxy war in the Middle East.

The poor Yemenis have died by the thousands.
Many are on the brink of starvation.
Fourteen million, some people say,
Experience serious deprivation.

Blockades limit badly needed
Medical supplies and food.
It's a humanitarian crisis
Of unspeakable magnitude.

Warring ideologies place
Innocent people in between.
Yes, people are still committing
Atrocities in twenty eighteen!

A hospital hit by Saudi bombs…
A school bus blown to bits…
How many more will die before
Responsible parties call it quits?

Cholera is pervasive, and drugs
Cannot get to the people who need them.
Babies are dying because their mothers
Cannot produce the milk to feed them.

As of now our president
Would rather keep an open door
To weapons sales to Saudis instead
Of trying to stop the ghastly war.

Don't just send your thoughts to Yemen;
Let your thoughts turn into actions,
Lest your sincere hopes for peace
End up being worthless abstractions.

-by Bob B (11-22-18)

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

What Would the President Do?

Let's say a foreign government
Butcher's a U.S. resident
In Istanbul, Turkey, while
You're the U.S. president.

What's more important to you
Is making more money down the line
By maintaining business ties
That NOT even murder can undermine.

If greed is your primary motive,
You'll justify your point of view
By asking yourself the following question:
What would the current president do?

Let's say certain autocrats
Make dissenters disappear.
You're entranced by how the despots
Maintain their power that you hold dear.

If power is your primary motive,
You'll justify your point of view
By asking yourself the following question:
What would the current president do?

If people desperate for asylum
Come to your border seeking relief,
And you want to show the heartlessness
Of a xenophobic commander in chief,

Then show them that your heartlessness
Can justify your point of view
By asking yourself the following question:
What would the current president do?

If you want to stop an investigation
That possibly looks bad for you,
You can obstruct justice by asking,
What would the current president do?

If you think your unscrupulousness
Allows you to break every taboo,
You've learned a lot from asking yourself,
What would the current president do?

-by Bob B (11-21-18)

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Oh, You Hypocrites!

One thing we know about Trump is that
Whenever he criticizes someone,
It's often for something that he himself
Does or previously has done.

When he campaigned, he criticized
Obama for golfing. Such a crime!
Now that he's the president,
Trump is golfing all the time!

He blasted Obama for lack of transparency
And accused him of being feckless.
Trump's own transparency comes
To light only because he's so reckless.

Trump says the media should
Be less hostile and model civility.
Then he attacks the press and others
And carries it out with utmost hostility.

Our national security:
An issue to Trump, yet now it's known
How much the hypocritical man
Loves to use his unsecured phone.

Hillary's emails were often a target
Before and even since the election.
Trump's fake concern and his constant
Complaints: examples of his projection.

Emails are now in the news again.
This time daughter Ivanka is using
Her private email account for government
Business! Isn't that amusing?

Oh, you hypocrites! You act as though
For you the rules do not apply.
But if there's any justice at all,
You'll get yours by and by.

-by Bob B (11-20-18)

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Musings of a President

"Agitated! People say
I'm 'agitated.' I'm NOT, damn it!
Why would I be agitated?
I say all of them can cram it!

"I missed a ceremony to honor
Fallen soldiers in France. Dare
I say it was a rainy day,
And rain wreaks havoc on my hair?

"Reports that Democrats have won
Tons of elections are beginning
To get on my nerves. It's fake news.
Republicans are really winning.

"They say I'm rude to reporters when
They ask difficult questions. So?
They should only ask about
Things that I want them to know.

"They also laugh when I say
More 'decorum' is what we need.
I wrote the book on propriety.
If only people would follow my lead.

"I couldn't wait to fire Sessions.
That man didn't have my back.
I have a new guy, Whitiker;
He'll be picking up the slack.

"It makes me furious when people say
I am paranoid and deluded.
They're afraid of all my power.
THAT is what I have concluded.

"Now I'm going to California
To show them what it really takes
To stop all these nasty fires:
All they need is a bunch of rakes."

-by Bob B (11-17-18)

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Feelin' BLUE

A wave of BLUE has washed across
America. It has succeeded
In offering refreshing hope--
Something that is badly needed.

Regards BLUE with flaming derision.
Skeptical, it challenges
BLUE's unifying vision.

BLUE hopes to wash away
Signs of growing division and hate--
To put an end to skilled disruption
And odious chaos before it's too late.

Although people strive to try
To resist the wave, in due course,
The wave of BLUE can bring about
Positive change as it gathers force.

Perhaps the wave can also erode
Stubborn threats to freedom and rights
And dampen the unimaginable
Before the powder keg ignites.

Perhaps the wave will drown the practice
Of unfair treatment, voter suppression,
Verbal attacks, lies and deceit,
And unnecessary aggression.

The BLUE wave could very well
Tone down RED's fiery hue.
Now I feel more optimistic.
What's more, I love the color BLUE.

-by Bob B (11-15-18)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Welcome, All!*

For what would be a change of pace,
Check out this unusual place:
Persecuted groups came to create
A place where they could discriminate.
1840s gold rush dreams
Preceded years of get-rich schemes.
Nutty religious cults explore
End-time prophecies galore.
Believe whatever if that's your conviction,
Even if your "facts" are fiction.
You can construct your own reality;
"Whatever goes" is gaining vitality.
Accompanies attacks on secularism.
Fewer people think it's not odd
For leaders to wait for messages from God.
Satan's causing natural disasters,
For he's out to get us, according to some pastors.
Hustlers hustle the hustled, you see:
Religious theatricality.
Snake oil is sold for a quick fix;
Someone always has a bag of tricks.
Charismatic visionaries
Hope their income never varies.
Though P.T. Barnum is gone, we can say
That humbuggery is here to stay.
Homeopathic cures are widespread.
Devious mediums talk to the dead.
Scare tactics of foreign "invasions"
Keep popping up on numerous occasions.
Some have rewritten the history of the South.
Fake news spread by cyber "word of mouth."
Commingling entertainment and news--
Called "infotainment"--can spread one's views.
Acting out your fantasy makes you feel
That fantasy--NOT reality--is real.
People are duped by made-up scares.
The National Enquirer peddles its wares.
Cosmetic surgery transforms features.
People are abducted by strange space creatures.
The fantasy industry proliferates:
Fox News infects all fifty states.
Prosperity-gospel preachers are abounding,
Hoping their spiritual interest is compounding.
The war on the devil is not metaphorical,
For scripture, some say, can't be allegorical.
There are always the paranoid ones
Who fear the confiscation of guns.
Groups attempt to change the rules
So creationism can be taught in the schools.
Anti-establishment's becoming the norm;
Mistrust of experts is taking greater form.
Lies don't matter as long as you
FEEL that what someone says is true.
Some fear "invaders" crossing the border;
Others fear a scary New World Order.
Distrust places the media on trial
And fosters climate change denial.
Some say vaccines do great harm
And GMO foods are cause for alarm.
They say gun laws will only provide
Guns to "bad guys" with something to hide;
That regulations on any level
Of finances are the work of the devil.
A con-man leader will always keep spinning
The fantasy that with him we'll be winning.
That fake news is harmful and only distracts
People entitled to making up facts.
Voter fraud's still the talk of the Right;
Conspiracy theories keep coming to light.
Con artists boldly state:
Conversion therapy makes you straight.
If an alternate universe is in demand,

-by Bob B (11-12-18)

*Inspired by Kurt Andersen's Fantasyland: How America
Went Haywire

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Stifled Pleas

"Never again." We have said
“Never again!” too many times.
The hours advance, leaving us
With doleful reminders when the clock chimes.

“Never again” echoes through
The deep canyons of empty hearts
As irretrievable hopes remain
Buried by anguish that never departs.

"Never again" emerged through pain--
Through unspeakable affliction,
Horrified by the shamelessness
Of facts being smothered by fiction.

"Never again" for a moment
Rose from yearnings, deep and profound
Until woeful indifference
Muffled the once inspirited sound.

"Never again" filled a chasm
Of bleak despair with promising goals,
Without which we're on the cliffs of uncertainty,
Constantly asking for whom the bell tolls.

-by Bob B (11-11-18)

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Riding the Wave

A BLUE WAVE swept across
America in 2018--
A definite reaction to
The Trump propaganda machine.

The wave, if not a tsunami, still
Brought about significant gains
For hopeful Democrats in the House
Who had to counter nasty campaigns.

Okay, yes, it works both ways,
But Democrats mainly stayed on topic,
Stressing the issue of health care, about
Which Republicans' views are myopic.

Trump and his favorites focused on
A "caravan," creating tension
And unwarranted fear in supporters.
Now it's a topic they barely mention.

The Democrats did exceedingly well
Despite all the voter suppression.
Of course, the Right yells, "Voter fraud!"--
Which has become another obsession.

Now the work really begins.
Will Trump model greater civility?
At least there will be checks and balances
And hopefully accountability.

In the meantime, we will wait
And see how politicians behave
And hope that more people will see
The benefits of riding the wave.

-by Bob B (11-10-18)

Friday, November 9, 2018


We'd like to think that we could go
Out for an evening and not have to worry
That we are going to end up being
The helpless victim of a gunman's fury.

One would think that mass shootings
In which so many lives are lost
Might compel lawmakers
To stop the killings at any cost.

When so many shootings occur
On American soil year after year,
Don't enough people wonder
What the hell is happening here?

What are people waiting for?
How many more victims will die?
Must we sit by helplessly
While lawmakers turn a blind eye?

Another horrific act of violence
Occurred at the Borderline Bar & Grill
When a solitary gunman
Had one thing on his mind: to kill.

Eleven young people gunned down.
An officer shot dead as well.
Only survivors who were present
Can talk about their glimpse of hell.

The killer, too, lost his life
From a wound, possibly self-inflicted.
Some say in retrospect
His actions could have been predicted.

No one can fathom the suffering
Of the victims' parents, families and friends--
Their heartache and anguish from knowing that
Their loved ones met such violent ends.

Just two weeks before Thanksgiving!
This year it will be a chore
To ask the parents staring at empty
Seats what they are thankful for.

A call to action is the only response
To the horror that this nightmare evokes
When twelve innocent victims must
Lose their lives in Thousand Oaks.

Remember the victims:

Sgt. Ron Helus (54)
Sean Adler (48)
Cody Coffman (22)
Blake Dingman (21)
Jake Dunham (21)
Alaina Housley (18)
Daniel Manrique (33)
Justin Meek (23)
Mark Meza (20)
Kristina Morisette (20)
Telemachus Orfanos (27)
Noel Sparks (21)

A mother of one of the victims has said,
"Here are my words. I want gun control.
I don't want prayers. I don't want thoughts."

-by Bob B  (11-9-18)

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Firing

A day after the midterms, Trump
Showed that he was true to form,
Once again reminding us that
Effrontery is becoming the norm.

In a brazen act of utter defiance,
Trump fired Jeff Sessions,
The attorney general, which adds one more
Deed to the list of Trump's transgressions.

Ignoring the normal line of succession,
Trump installed as acting chief
A loyalist, since loyalty is
The current admin's leitmotif.

Matt Whitiker is the man--
Known as the West Wing's "eyes and ears."
Another case of obstruction of justice?
At least that's how the move appears.

Whitiker has a paper trail
A mile long, criticizing
The Mueller probe, so Trump wants him
In charge of the case. How NOT surprising!

The DOJ is supposed to be
Fair and impartial. Not anymore.
If Whitiker doesn't recuse himself,
We all know what's in store.

It's frightening how the DOJ
Is tied to the president's apron strings.
Innocent people have nothing to fear;
Desperate people do desperate things.

-by Bob B (11-8-18)

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

"Monkey Trial"

Oh, the sensation, the media frenzy,
The spotlight, the fame, the hullabaloo,
When anti-evolution laws
Were challenged by the ACLU!

The year: 1925.
The place: Dayton, Tennessee.
To say it was an extravaganza
Wouldn't be hyperbole.

For many people it was hard
To find a way to reconcile
Biblical accounts with science,
So science found itself on trial.

A young teacher, John T. Scopes,
Was willing to face prosecution
For breaking a Tennessee law for having
Given a lesson on evolution.

The "Monkey Trial" it was called.
The challenge meant swimming upstream
For the feisty lawyer Clarence Darrow,
Who helped to lead the defense team.

A prosecutor was William Jennings
Bryan, who with no apology
Loved to stir up outrage against
Evolutionary biology.

Defendant Scopes quickly found
It wouldn't take long for him to know
What it was like to have a part
In a multimedia reality show.

The courthouse received a make-over:
Platforms for newsreel cameras were built;
Extra spectator seats were added.
They were playing the trial to the hilt.

Concession stands sold food and drinks;
Toy monkeys were on display;
A chimp was dressed in a suit and fedora;
The clergy also joined the fray.

The media and the public loved it!
The country watched the trial progress.
What would win: science or scripture?
The answer was probably easy to guess.

After an eight-day trial, the jury
Deliberated. Nine minutes later
They had their verdict: guilty! How
Could someone question THEIR creator?

Scopes had actually never given
The lesson. That's what he later said.
Strangely, five days after the trial,
Williams Jennings Bryan dropped dead.

Laws later changed, but even during
Current times, some people feel
That stories from the Bible should be
In science textbooks. Now THAT'S surreal!

-by Bob B (11-6-18)

Thursday, November 1, 2018


Life's not always cut and dried.
Opinions differ; there are unknowns.
But one thing you have to admit is that
There's nothing like a morning with scones!

A cool November morning with
A buttermilk scone, right from the oven--
Covered with butter and dripping with honey.
Tell me that's not something worth lovin'.

I don't want to stop at two;
I could eat six or seven!
Well, maybe not seven, but at
The moment I'm in seventh heaven.

-by Bob B (11-1-18)