The president said.
"It's a disgrace."
It's still amazing
how he can say
The things he does
and keep a straight face.
The Mueller probe's
an attack on our country?
An attack on all we
stand for? Say what?
Maybe if Trump had
been honest and forthright
He wouldn't find
himself in a rut.
What DO we stand
for? Rule of law,
Search warrants,
Where no one's above
the law, not even
The president of the
United States.
The president's
idols--Putin, Duterte,
And Erdoğan--would
never permit
Investigations into
their own acts.
To strongmen it
would NOT be legit.
To Trump a legal
pursuit to find
Answers is a
ruthless attack.
Yet Russia assaults
our democratic
System, and Putin's
a crackerjack!
Poor Trump just
doesn't get it.
Whenever he talks,
he more or less
Rubs salt in his
very own wounds
And finds himself in
a bigger mess.
-by Bob B (4-11-18)