Loudly the Muses
sing out a tale:
The President and
the Porn Star.
They sing about
qualifications and how
Much a leader can
lower the bar.
Their voices resound
as they tell the story
That happened ten
years before he became
The president.
Though married he was,
Marriage to him was
just a game.
Four months after
his fifth child was born,
The man--a
celebrity--had his fling.
Did his third wife
know? The Muses
Haven't told us
Feeling outrage
The public merely
said, "Just one
More story to add to
a growing collection.
The man was just
having some fun."
If the celebrity had
an adventure,
If he had his little
That was his
choice--his decision.
Frankly, the Muses
really don't care.
When money became
involved in the matter,
It gave the story an
added dimension.
Hush money paid to
the star?
That's what
attracted the Muses' attention.
A payment of one
hundred thirty thousand
Dollars went to the
porn star's account
Before the election
to keep her silent,
The importance of
which was paramount.
With so many songs
to sing, the Muses
Inspire us to
listen, to learn,
To grasp the art of
living, to seek
The beauty of truth,
for which we yearn.
Keep singing, Muses.
Follow the money.
Point out hypocrisy,
fraud, and deceit.
What more can your
songs reveal?
The truth should
never become obsolete.
-by Bob B (1-19-18)