Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Dear Putin...

"Dear Vladimir Putin, my friend,
Thank you for your ongoing support.
You know I'm really going to need it
If I somehow land in 'court.'

"Keep bombarding social media;
Expand the use of all those bots.
But definitely cover your tracks,
For people will try to connect the dots.

"You know how I--one of your fans--
Highly respect your strongman appeal.
You've perfected your talents there,
As I the art of making a deal.

"I like the way you cripple dissent;
You've got the people under control.
I'm NOT there yet, but give me time.
It remains my overall goal.

"Poisoning my opponents? Well,
Maybe I wouldn't go that far.
But you and I together can think of
Other techniques, tzar to tzar.

"Right now the investigation
Here is really driving me mad.
I want to fire Mueller but need
Grounds completely ironclad.

"Maybe you can help me there.
I'm sure for you it's worth a try:
Help my kiss-ass Republicans
Vilify the FBI.

"I'm trying to follow your media playbook
On how you limit opposing views.
I'm able to spread a lot of untruths
On MY station called Fox News.

"My efforts to trick the religious right
Have been clever and not at all shoddy.
Even though we both know there's
Not a religious bone in my body.

"By the way, you don't have
Tapes of me when I was there
In Russia, do you? You know the kind:
Tapes of me in my underwear.

"Remember the word sanctions, my friend.
We can lift them--buh-lieve you me--
If all the tapes of me disappear.
Your friend, Donald T."

-by Bob B (1-31-18)

Thursday, January 25, 2018

How to Obstruct an Investigation

Obstructing an investigation
Is really easier than one thinks.
Surround yourself with fawning fans
To help you work out all the kinks.

It helps if you can early on
Fire the head of the whole shebang,
And then sully his reputation
With every subsequent harangue.

Build distrust in the FBI
So when the people hear those initials,
They'll remember how you impugned
The credibility of law officials.

Spread the fear that a secret society,
Cleverly organized and malicious,
Is out to get you, even though
In reality, it's fictitious.

Let your "friends" in Congress create
Alternate scandals that detract
From your investigation, even
Though they are not based on fact.

A news station that has the least
Credibility helps a great deal--
One that pedals conspiracy theories
With unabashed passion and zeal.

Undermine investigative
Efforts by frequently causing confusion,
And then repeat ad nauseum
"No collusion! No collusion!"

Using some Stalinesque techniques
Helps your cause, and once you've begun,
The people, too, will call the media
Public enemy number one.

Having power will make you feel
That you possess unlimited choices.
If democracy gets in the way,
Keep on trying to quiet voices.

All of the strategies listed above--
If they're mercilessly applied--
Will come in handy, especially
If you have something to hide.

-by Bob B (1-25-18)

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Like Lucy with Her Football

You did it again, Senatorial
Democrats. How naïve!
You keep falling for the tricks
McConnell has up his sleeve.

Long ago a funding bill
Could easily have been sent--
One with bipartisan support--
To the president.

Republican leaders chose, however,
To play a game, and that's
How they let a shutdown occur
And then blame Democrats.

True, the president's wishy-washy
Feelings aren't always clear.
It doesn't help when bigoted voices
Are whispering in his ear--

Voices of Kelly, Steve Miller,
Iowan Steve King,
And Tom Cotton from Arkansas,
All with a racist sting.

And so for now the fate of the Dreamers
Is a question mark.
You trust that McConnell won't continue
To leave them in the dark?

McConnell waits--like Lucy with her football--
For you to run up and kick it.
Will you fall for the trick again,
Or tell him where to stick it?

-by Bob B (1-23-18)

Sunday, January 21, 2018

White House Limericks, January 2018

If Trump wants to read Fire and Fury,
I would suggest that he hurry.
The next exposé
Will be more risqué
And give him more reason to worry.

Was Donald Trump feeling forlorn,
And afterwards did he feel torn,
From having a fling
And feeling like king
With one of the hot queens of porn?

If Bannon would do what he oughtta,
He'd check out his list of errata,
For now he has learned
How it feels to get burned
And be Trump's persona non grata.

From watching the news on the tele
We're seeing much more of John Kelly.
Our first thoughts of him
Were not quite so grim,
But he's become Machiavelli.

Trump was really obsessed
With proving his mind was the best.
His cognitive exam
Was probably a sham,
And most people are not impressed.

A leader went out on a limb
And joined a new fitness gym.
"Forget it!" he said.
"I'd rather be dead.
To hell with me being slim."

-by Bob B (1-21-18)

Friday, January 19, 2018

The President and the Porn Star

Loudly the Muses sing out a tale:
The President and the Porn Star.
They sing about qualifications and how
Much a leader can lower the bar.

Their voices resound as they tell the story
That happened ten years before he became
The president. Though married he was,
Marriage to him was just a game.

Four months after his fifth child was born,
The man--a celebrity--had his fling.
Did his third wife know? The Muses
Haven't told us everything.

Feeling outrage overload,
The public merely said, "Just one
More story to add to a growing collection.
The man was just having some fun."

If the celebrity had an adventure,
If he had his little affair,
That was his choice--his decision.
Frankly, the Muses really don't care.

When money became involved in the matter,
It gave the story an added dimension.
Hush money paid to the star?
That's what attracted the Muses' attention.

A payment of one hundred thirty thousand
Dollars went to the porn star's account
Before the election to keep her silent,
The importance of which was paramount.

With so many songs to sing, the Muses
Inspire us to listen, to learn,
To grasp the art of living, to seek
The beauty of truth, for which we yearn.

Keep singing, Muses. Follow the money.
Point out hypocrisy, fraud, and deceit.
What more can your songs reveal?
The truth should never become obsolete.

-by Bob B (1-19-18)

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

They Can't Keep Their Stories Straight

Certain Republican members of Congress
And White House staff have of late
Had a lot of difficulty
Keeping their made-up stories straight.

Senators Graham and Durbin reacted
When Trump referred to "shithole" nations
And thus disparaged Salvadorians,
People in African countries and Haitians.

But Senators Perdue and Cotton
At first said they weren't aware
Whether the president said the word
And tried not to get caught in the snare.

A couple days later they said, NO,
He didn't say "shithole" at all.
How convenient: this sudden change
Of mind from nothing to sudden recall.

After that they changed their stories.
It wasn't "shithole" but instead
The word was "shithouse." Yes, that was
What President Trump had said.

At first Trump didn't deny it,
But later said his language was "tough."
(But we've heard what comes out of his mouth
Whenever he speaks off the cuff.)

What difference does it make?
The word isn't the main point here.
Attitude, racist feelings,
And lack of respect are very clear.

Once they lie, they have to keep lying--
They have to keep plugging away.
As their stories change, the liars
Look more foolish every day.

-by Bob B (1-17-18)


We hear the sounds of approaching thunder
Drowning out the cries and pleas
Of people calling out for freedom--
Urgent calls in times like these!

We hear the words that spit and sputter--
That splatter against mellifluous sounds
Of peace, of hope, of promise, of caring,
Creating verbal battlegrounds.

We see the dark and threatening clouds
Looming above, waiting to rain
On love and reason. The winds of hatred
Equal the force of a hurricane.

We see around the neck of compassion
A cruel, ever-tightening noose,
While the henchmen multiply--
A surge of bigotry on the loose.

We feel in our hearts the constant longing
For dreams that should be guaranteed
By thoughtful laws and not by decisions
Forged from ignorance, power, and greed.

We feel the sadness, pain, and despair
Of all who are trampled and left behind,
Of all whose rights are being denied,
Of all who are hated and maligned.

We know that we can transcend bias;
When myth prevails, wisdom departs.
We can flourish by wisely removing
The chains of intolerance from our hearts.

We know that we have the potential
To live in a country governed by laws
Embracing all the people here
And freeing us from tyranny's claws.

March to demonstrate solidarity
With others who hear the urgent call.
March together in peace for social
And economic justice for all!

-by Bob B (1-31-17, 1-17-18)

*This is an update and reposting of my Jan 2017 poem

Sing Out for Freedom!*

They marched together; they marched strong,
With flags, signs, and banners waving.
They marched in sun, snow, and rain
To speak out for rights and causes worth saving.

The Women's March on Washington
Became a world phenomenon
Occurring on seven continents.
May the powerful memory live on!

Women, men, and children with
Determination undeterred
Peacefully rallied together,
Letting their mighty voices be heard.

Echoing through the cities' canyons
And filling city parks and squares,
Their voices loudly demanded that leaders
Listen to democracy's heirs.

When people's rights are under attack,
When greed-driven politicians
Bow to Wall Street and corporations,
Ignoring the struggling people's petitions,

The people then must raise their voices
And hope that their peaceful protest starts
A major shift in understanding--
A positive change in lawmakers' hearts.

The protesters clearly spoke:
We must protect democracy
From the threatening ravages
Of plutoc-, corpoc-, or kakistocracy.

They'll march again in 2018.
They'll march to show that it has never
Been more urgent, for now there are
More reasons to march than ever.

Onward, marchers. Don't give up.
You have a voice; let it ring
From east to west, from north to south.
Sing out, people! Sing! Sing!

-by Bob B (1-22-17, 1-13-18)

*This is an update and reposting of my Jan 2017 poem.

Monday, January 15, 2018

MLK Day 2018: The Dream

Take a look around
And tell me what you see.
Do you see a country
Where everyone is free?

Do you see the people
United in a land,
Where people of all color
Are walking hand in hand?

Do you see a church
Where years ago inside
Dynamite exploded
And four young girls died?

Do you see a counter
Where people were not served--
Where unjust laws determined
What certain folks deserved?

Do you see a street
Where protesters were sprayed
With high pressure hoses
While they marched and prayed?

Do you see a window--
If not, take closer note--
Where folks were turned away--
Were told, "You can't vote!"?

Do you see a house
Not everyone could buy
Unless they "qualified"?
Hmm. I wonder why?

Do you see a job
Where privilege preordained
Who'd be hired? Of course.
The practice was ingrained.

From out of the darkness emerged
A beacon, a shining light:
A man who offered us
A peaceful means to fight.

But while we've moved forward,
We keep stepping back,
For now voter rights
Again are under attack.

The long walk for freedom
Is not an easy walk.
Justice is also threatened
By insensitive talk.

For ugly, hateful rhetoric
Stirs the hard of heart
To act in unjust ways
Where reason plays no part.

Understanding, compassion,
And love should be our guide.
Let them push both hatred
And prejudice aside.

Stay on the path to justice
Even though it may seem
That roadblocks get in the way.
Don't give up the dream.

-by Bob B (1-15-18)

Monday, January 8, 2018

Sorry State of Affairs

The White House sent senior adviser
Stephen Miller to CNN
To blast the recent publication
FIRE AND FURY. Once again,

Jake Tapper must know when they
Invite White House racist slime
To CNN for interviews,
They're wasting both his and our time.

Miller merely had talking points
And wasn't there to be interviewed.
Seeing that it was going nowhere,
Jake Tapper became unglued

And stopped the interview altogether.
Trump tweeted that Miller destroyed
Tapper, but what else would we expect
From Trump, a man who lives in a void.

It's funny: it's not at all surprising
How Trump and his team, by hook or by crook,
Resort to using antics that
Confirm everything in the book.

They and Republican members of Congress
Haven't just been caught unawares.
All of them have drunk the Kool-Aid.
What a sorry state of affairs!

-by Bob B (1-8-18)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Two Children Bickering

Notice my long-range ballistic missiles--
Grand and statuesque.
And I have my own nuclear button
Sitting on my desk.

I don't mess around with upstarts
And incompetent jerks.
MY nuclear arsenal is bigger,
And MY button works!

Plus, MY people like me.
What do you think about that?
Your people have no choice,
And you are short and fat.

You live in an alternate world.
Why doesn't it click?
Most didn't vote for you,
You old lunatic.

Back and forth the children bicker
With verbal attacks and blame,
While we with mounting fear look on,
As pawns in their dangerous game.

-by Bob B (1-3-18)

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

"Give Me a Break!"

(Try to imagine Donald Trump on a stage in a
tuxedo with a top hat and a cane.)

"I've spent many years
On a stage of sorts.
Including all the times
I've spent in the courts.
But now I'm on the biggest
And grandest stage of all
And on a constant high,
Though not from alcohol.
Since being president
Is not an easy task,
To help me run this country,
There's ONE thing that I ask:

Give me a break?
Come on and
Give me a break.
They say to take it on the chin,
But hey! I never thought I'd win.
So give me a break.
Yes, give me a break.
For Pete's sake
Give me a break!

"People say they want
To see my tax returns.
Every time I hear that,
Oh, my stomach churns.
Buh-lieve me: no one's being
Taken for a ride.
But my financial matters
There was no collusion
With Putin. Can't you see?
We JUST exploited his
Dislike for Hillary.

Give me a break--
A beautiful break!
I will fix this world. And how!
You know I'm the cat's meow.
Just give me a break.
Yes, give me a break.
For goodness' sake
Give me a break!

"If Congress pats my back,
I'll give theirs a pat.
If Dems did, too, then I
Would hug a Democrat.
Loyalty’s important,
So if I get the urge,
I might just have to give
The FBI a purge.
I wish the prying media
Would try to be my friend
And write what pleases me.
Of course that would depend.

Give me a break--
A big giant break!
I've the right to ridicule
Anyone I think a fool.
So give me a break.
Yes, give me a break.
For God's sake
Give me a break!

"So what if Flynn's a liar
And Spicer is a boob
And Bannon is a racist
And Sessions is a rube?
Ivanka and Trump Junior
Will pick up any slack.
I've got Kelly whipped,
And Sarah has my back.
I even have the white
Supremacists at my feet.
To stir up all my base,
All I do is tweet.

Give me a break--
A fabulous break.
Kim Jong Un has got to go.
Call me Mr. Dynamo!
Just give me a break--
A HUGE, gorgeous break.
Come on! Just
Give me a break!"

-by Bob B (1-2-18)