Saturday, February 18, 2017

Whistleblowers, Blow Your Whistles!

Whistleblowers, blow your whistles;
Expose deceitful corruption and fraud.
Reveal the ghastly, vile and unethical
Doings that hide behind each façade.

Muckrakers, rake through the muck;
Bring wrongdoing and cover-ups to light.
Denounce guile and chicanery.
Raise our awareness; do what is right.

Investigative journalists,
Unveil lies and hypocrisy.
Disclose injustice wherever it is.
Protect our democracy.

People of conscience, raise your voices.
Loudly drown out the messages of hate.
Don't be bullied; don't be afraid
To express what you won't tolerate.

When your hard-earned freedoms are threatened,
Don't let your resolve give way.
"The press is the enemy of the people"
Is something only a tyrant would say.

(2-18-17) By Bob B