Thursday, February 9, 2017

Impressions of Sessions

Trump's recent nominee--
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions--
Has been confirmed by the Senate,
Despite the man's horrid impressions.

Rejected in 1986
To serve as a federal judge for being
Racist, Sessions is now AG!°
It's hard to believe what we are seeing.

Having been a loyal promoter
Of Trump's agenda all along,
Sessions is now in a perfect position
To add more verses to Trump's song.

Good-by to police accountability;
Good-by to voting rights as well.
Compassionate immigration reform
Will probably be shot to hell.

LGBT rights and protections
Will also continue to dwindle away,
For Sessions' reputation leans
Toward being anti-gay.

His strong stance against civil
And equal rights is revealing.
It will be sad to watch America
Deepen wounds that should be healing.

(2-9-17) By Bob B

°Attorney General