Tuesday, February 28, 2017

The Martial Arts Master and His Student*

The teacher calmly sat in the dojo,
Waiting for his class to begin.
Seated on his cushion, he silently
Focused on the center within.

A student rushed into the building,
Stopped and gave a cursory bow,
And said, "Teacher, my goal has not
Been very clear to me until now.

"I want to master the martial arts.
What can I do to get there faster?
How many years does it take
A person like me to become a master?"

"Ten years," replied the teacher.
"Ten years? That can't be!"
The student exclaimed. "But I'll work hard--
Ten long hours a day! You'll see.

"If I practice and read and study
And work harder than all my peers,
How long then?" After a moment
The teacher replied, "Twenty years."

(2-28-17) By Bob B

*An old tale retold here in verse

Monday, February 27, 2017

The Other Side*

One day a monk near the end of a journey
Encountered a wide, rushing river.
Standing on the bank, he fretted,
"But I have messages to deliver."

For hours he stood there considering his options,
Unable to figure out a good plan.
All at once he noticed that
On the other bank there stood a man.

Elated, the monk waved and yelled,
"Oh, great teacher, good day to you!
To get to the other side of this flowing
River, tell me, what do I do?"

The teacher pondered for a few moments,
Looked up and down the river so wide,
And then yelled back to the fretful monk,
"My son, you ARE on the other side."

(2-27-17) By Bob B

*An old tale retold here in verse

Sunday, February 26, 2017

How to Destroy a Democracy: A Twelve-Step Plan

If you would like to run a country
And run it with an iron fist
While thumbing your nose at democracy,
Then keep in mind the following list:

One. Once you're in office,
Defy the voters that you'd been wooing
By doing some of the things that you
Criticized your opponent for doing.

Two. Demonize the media.
Accuse them of grossly distorting
The truth. Call them the enemy,
And give no credence to what they're reporting.

Three. When matters don't go your way,
Resort to alternative facts and choose
Disinformation as the best way
To strengthen your base with far-fetched views.

Four. Give alt-right nationalists
Top positions on your team
And then belittle those who say
That your advisers are too extreme.

Five. Meet with the FBI
To clarify your expectations.
Tell them that they should knock down stories
And change ongoing investigations.

Six. Pressure heads of intelligence
Investigative committees to call
Reporters to tell them to alter reports.
Tell them "To hell with protocol!"

Seven. Downplay the roles of foreign
Countries in helping you win the race.
Discourage further investigations
By saying they're totally out of place.

Eight. Follow the expert advice
Of Vladimir Lenin, who would say,
"A lie told often enough
Becomes the truth." That works today.

Nine. Belittle judges and courts;
Belittle even allies and friends.
Stick your foot in your mouth even more
When you try to make amends.

Ten. It helps to criticize
The CIA and FBI.
Intimidate and discredit them,
And hang the agencies out to dry.

Eleven. Chip away at people's
Rights. Try to make them believe
That what you are doing is for their own good.
Remind them that the press can deceive.

Twelve. Continue campaign rallies
To stroke your ego; to prove you're liked.
Cover up the fact that your
Disapproval ratings have spiked.

A master con artist will know
How to take information and spin it.
He needs to find a gullible mind,
And "There's a sucker born every minute."

(2-26-17) By Bob B

Friday, February 24, 2017

A Ballad of a Dreamer (Un Corrido de un Dreamer)

This is the song of a Dreamer.
You would be hard-pressed to find
A more likable person.
He is one of a kind.

He moved to California;
From south of the border he came--
A four-year-old with his family.
Futuro, we'll say, was his name.

Futuro's father and mother
Worked very hard to provide
A good life for their children--
Something that they'd been denied.

Schooling was very important.
Futuro strove to excel.
He wanted his parents to see him
And his three siblings do well.

His college graduation
Made his parents so proud.
The smiles on their faces were something--
The biggest smiles in the crowd.

Futuro landed employment.
Later things went awry
When a cop pulled him over
And gave him a DUI.

That's when the nightmare started
Futuro was able to see
What it was like to be treated
Like a detainee.

Belongings were confiscated.
His hands and feet were chained,
As if he were a convict
Who had to be restrained.

They gave him no information
And moved him from place to place.
Each detention center
Was an utter disgrace.

Conditions were atrocious.
The rooms were damp and cold.
The food was barely edible
After you scraped off the mold.

Thanks to our heartless leaders.
Thanks to the CCA.°
We have detention centers
Where people are treated this way.

Such centers often become
A two- or three-year address
For many detainees caught in
A bureaucratic mess.

These for-profit prisons,
Based on what we know,
Are an assault on our freedom.
Let's face it: they've got to go.

When we civilized people
Treat human beings like this--
Worse than we treat an animal--
There is something amiss.

Futuro, well, he was lucky.
He was released on bail.
Now his fate is in limbo.
At least he's no longer in jail.

Must he hide in the shadows?
Must he be on the run?
What will it take for Futuro
To walk in the light of the sun?

Give Futuro your blessings.
Give the hopeful your praise.
May our eyes be opened.
May we see brighter days.

(2-24-17) By Bob B

°Corrections Corporation of America

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Sonnets for the Invisible Ones

When hardened hearts ignore the plaintive tears
Of those who are invisible yet present,
They disregard the strugglers' hopes and fears
And make a situation more unpleasant.
Many suffer hazardous conditions
And work that earns a pittance but still brings
A lifestyle that won't kill their true ambitions.
How dare we think they live like wealthy kings!
Imagine living daily with the terror
Or harsh presentiment--with stress and pain--
Of knowing that despite abuse or error,
Your hands are tied, for you cannot complain.
Your life becomes a sad catch-22.
To keep on going is all that you can do.

Imagine fleeing poverty and war
And frightful acts of cruel persecution.
Your life at least is better than before,
But you await a permanent solution.
Your kids are now American at heart,
But jobs and college cause much consternation.
You work two jobs; you try to do your part;
Yet there's the constant threat of deportation.
When people turn their heads and look away,
A blaze of cruel injustice wildly rages.
The ones affected most can have no say
In how to fix what's NOT worked well for ages.
Solutions lacking heart are cold and numbing
And show an ugliness that's unbecoming.

(2-23-17) By Bob B

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

A Timeless Tale*

A farmer working in a field
Felt compassion for his horse--
A tired, overworked jade.
He let it go with no remorse.

When villagers discovered that
The farmer's horse had been set free,
They wondered how the man would prosper.
The farmer succinctly said, "We'll see."

Days later the farmer's horse
Returned to the poor man's piece of land,
Bringing along several others,
Eager to give a helping hand.

The villagers heard the wonderful news
And rushed to share the farmer's glee.
"How fortunate you are!" they said.
The farmer merely replied, "We'll see."

The next day the villagers
Watched with ghastly fear in their faces
The son fall while training the horses
And break his leg in numerous places.

Lamenting the farmer's sad misfortune,
They asked how he would ever be
Able to work the land on his own.
The farmer again replied, "We'll see."

Soon a terrible war broke out.
The emperor needed able young men.
Because of his broken leg, the farmer's
Son was excused from duty. Again

The villagers went to the farmer, saying
"Your son escaped the emperor's decree.
How lucky for both of you!" The farmer
Responded by only saying, "We'll see."

Even though the son's leg healed,
The son walked with a definite limp.
Village children viciously teased him,
Calling him a klutz and a gimp.

The villagers came to see the farmer,
Their words of pity staggeringly
Effusive. "Aren't you sad?" they asked.
The farmer smiled and said, "We'll see."

The sons of the villagers died in the war.
The farmer, along with his only son,
Worked the land, grew quite wealthy,
And never complained to anyone.

Once in a while he'd meet his friends
And chat over a cup of tea.
"How lucky you are!" they'd say to him.
He'd shrug his shoulders and say, "We'll see."

(2-21-17) By Bob B

*An old Chinese tale retold in verse

Monday, February 20, 2017

More Than We Had Ever Imagined

Sometimes we've known that something was going to be scary.
We could picture the outcome with growing ennui.
But once that something happened, it was more frightening
Than we had ever imagined it would be.

Sometimes we've known a storm would cause destruction.
At least that's what the forecasters could foresee.
The storm, however, turned out to be more disastrous
Than we had ever imagined it would be.

Sometimes we've known a disease was going to be deadly.
Hopes of survival brought no guarantee.
Struggling to survive was so much harder
Than we had ever imagined it would be.

Sometimes we've known a person was unstable,
But we couldn't perceive to what degree.
Later we learned that person was more deranged
Than we'd imagined him or her to be.

Sometimes we've known that fighting for our rights
And fighting to preserve democracy
Was going to be a battle more important
Than we had ever imagined it would be.

(2-20-17) By Bob B

Sunday, February 19, 2017

If Your Birth Sign Is Pisces...

Your approach to spirituality
And your ideals keep you afloat.
Fulfilling your needs by helping others
Is one more thing that floats your boat.

Being close to water clearly
Inspires you and stimulates you.
Your notion of perfection is
A strong factor that motivates you.

Dealing with people and situations
That don't live up to your ideals
Is hard for you, and you know how
Being exploited by others feels.

Balance is important so that
Others don't take advantage of you.
Ignoring your sense of compassion is one
Of the worst things you could do.

You have a remarkable
Imagination. It's on fire!
The downside is that it could also
Make you a pathological liar.

But that is usually not the case.
Pisceans can be kind and gentle.
It's when they feel victimized
That they start feeling temperamental.

You--the dreamer of the zodiac--
Can oddly come off as vague and elusive.
To maintain your equilibrium,
You sometimes need to be reclusive.

You can easily grasp the abstract,
But you probably don't recall
The times you've seemed so out of touch
That you made no sense at all.

Empathetic and sensitive,
Usually, you couldn't be sweeter.
But watch out! Insecurity
Can make you a compulsive eater.

Since you have an addictive nature,
It's crucial for you to avoid temptations.
You must show caution when you're around
Alcohol and medications.

A healthy sense of self is important,
For when your wanting to give exceeds
Your own capacity for giving,
You start to neglect your very own needs.

Don't succumb to escapism
Or over-sensitivity.
Your flexible nature is
A natural proclivity.

The environment strongly affects
Your emotional reactions.
The better organized you are,
The better you can handle distractions.

Some people think that you lack
Self-confidence, but not
Those who know you well, for you
Are able to accomplish quite a lot.

Continue to be an inspiration
To others. Do not slacken your pace.
Keep a positive outlook and you'll
Help make the world a better place.

(2-19-17) By Bob B

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Whistleblowers, Blow Your Whistles!

Whistleblowers, blow your whistles;
Expose deceitful corruption and fraud.
Reveal the ghastly, vile and unethical
Doings that hide behind each façade.

Muckrakers, rake through the muck;
Bring wrongdoing and cover-ups to light.
Denounce guile and chicanery.
Raise our awareness; do what is right.

Investigative journalists,
Unveil lies and hypocrisy.
Disclose injustice wherever it is.
Protect our democracy.

People of conscience, raise your voices.
Loudly drown out the messages of hate.
Don't be bullied; don't be afraid
To express what you won't tolerate.

When your hard-earned freedoms are threatened,
Don't let your resolve give way.
"The press is the enemy of the people"
Is something only a tyrant would say.

(2-18-17) By Bob B

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Regarding the Trump administration…

Trump says his administration
Runs just like a "fine-tuned machine."
He's got to be kidding! This is the most
Dysfunctional one we've ever seen!

Regarding General Flynn…

Regarding Flynn's resignation,
Trump refuses to give up the fight.
He says that Flynn did nothing wrong;
"If anything, he did something right."

Regarding the Electoral College…

Trump insists that since Ronald Reagan,
He received the most votes.
Bush one, Bill Clinton, and Obama got more.
Who the heck is writing Trump's notes?

Regarding the media…

Trump's still calling the questioning press
Dishonest, and he cannot understand
Why there's so much negativity.
He lives in a definite fantasy land!

Regarding TV…

Trump considers "Fox & Friends"
The most "honest morning show."
That is downright scary to hear.
Fatuity's reached a new plateau.

Regarding bigotry and respect…

Trump says he's the least racist
Person that you'll ever see.
And last fall he said that no one
Respects women more than he!

(2-16-17) By Bob B

Credibility and Trust

The Trump administration continues
To sing the dour voter fraud song.
Hoping to weaken voting rights,
Many Republicans sing along.

Multiple-state registration:
One case in point, they state.
Let's see what kind of evidence
They'll be able to create.

Tiffany Trump, Jared Kushner,
Bannon and Spicer, it's vital to note,
Were registered in multiple states--
Yes, registered to vote!

White House adviser Stephen Miller
Speaks in defense of the president's claims
By raising more foundationless doubts--
By building a fire and fanning the flames.

"The president's authority
Will NOT be questioned," Miller declares.
When our leaders talk like that,
It's a sorry state of affairs.

Toning down such dictatorial
Language is going to be a must
If the current administration
Expects to be credible and wants our trust.

(2-16-17) By Bob B

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Beyond Question

I keep hearing
People say
That facts often
Get in the way.
Bombarded by
The constant chatter,
I'll merely say,
"Facts matter."

(2-15-17) By Bob B

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Bubble of Denial

Russia-gate is loudly exploding
As more information emerges.
Now that General Flynn has resigned,
I wonder: Will there be more purges?

During the election campaign
General Flynn had made a big squawk
That Clinton was a security threat.
Wasn't HE one to talk?

Many questions come to mind--
Ones that will plague us again and again.
More people want to know
Who knew what, how much, and when?

Trump says he's very concerned
About information leaks,
Despite his lackadaisical
Behavior for the past few weeks.

Does HE conduct official business
On a NONsecured mobile phone?
Does discussing national security
In a public venue set the right tone?

To be in a bubble of denial
Might provide some comfort at first.
But keep in mind that at some point,
That comfy bubble is going to burst.

(2-14-17) By Bob B

Monday, February 13, 2017

Oh, How the Emperor Loves His New Clothes!

Oh, how the emperor loves his new clothes!
He loves the flash, the glitz, the show.
The presentation is all that matters--
The garish, ostentatious tableau.

His lackeys and sycophants grovel before him,
Currying his favor and kissing his…arse.
Loving all the attention, he can't
Distinguish between substance and farce.

The emperor has the best people--
The best tailors, the best spinners--
Who say that the ruler's fancy new clothes
Can separate losers from winners.

Fawning subjects praise their leader.
Mesmerized by his tales,
The people fail to see the danger
When facts are ignored and fiction prevails.

Whether from pride, thirst for power,
Or ego, the emperor--walking on air--
Doesn't see that underneath
The pageantry there's nothing there.

Who can break the news to the emperor?
Who can put an end to the lies?
What will bring about true awareness?
What will it take to open his eyes?

(2-13-17) By Bob B

Saturday, February 11, 2017

When Fringe Groups Have the Leader's Ear

Pseudo-scientific writings
Of two men named Strauss and Howe°
Talk about an existential
War that we are in right now.

It's called a war of the Fourth Turning,
And here's one thing the writings mention:
By aggravating societal pressures,
Leaders control the nation's attention.

Leadership will take measures
To assert public authority. (How nice!)
Then they will apply pressure
To demand public sacrifice.

An unexpected leader called
The Grey Champion will emerge--
A messianic strongman who'll
Lead the nation as allies merge.

It ought not to be so difficult
To see through this fiction, ought it?
However, the president's right hand man,
(Gulp!) Steve Bannon, bought it.

This is the "birth of a new political
Order," Bannon has said. What' more,
We're "in the top of the first inning."
He puts it this way: "We're at war!"

Expansionist China and radical Islam
Will bring about our defeat
Because the Judeo-Christian West,
Bannon adds, is in retreat.

He talks of dark days ahead.
Part of the apocalyptic plan
Has to do with being "reborn"
Or having to face the end of man.

Bannon has the president's ear!
It's really scary when buffoons
Are given top positions and power.

(2-11-17) By Bob B

°William Strauss and Neil Howe

Friday, February 10, 2017


According to the dictionary,
Someone who with great compulsion
Stretches the truth habitually.

A NARCISSIST would be a person
Showing an excessive preoccupation
With him- or herself and also displaying
Overwhelming self-admiration.

An exaggerated sense of self-
Importance also plays a part
In how the NARCISSIST behaves.
The person has very little heart.

Abnormally egotistical
And overly self-absorbed and conceited,
The EGOMANIAC can cause
A lot of damage if left untreated.

Being even one of the above
Would make people think you're a jerk.
But if you were all THREE of them,
You'd be a real piece of work.

(2-10-17) By Bob B

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Impressions of Sessions

Trump's recent nominee--
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions--
Has been confirmed by the Senate,
Despite the man's horrid impressions.

Rejected in 1986
To serve as a federal judge for being
Racist, Sessions is now AG!°
It's hard to believe what we are seeing.

Having been a loyal promoter
Of Trump's agenda all along,
Sessions is now in a perfect position
To add more verses to Trump's song.

Good-by to police accountability;
Good-by to voting rights as well.
Compassionate immigration reform
Will probably be shot to hell.

LGBT rights and protections
Will also continue to dwindle away,
For Sessions' reputation leans
Toward being anti-gay.

His strong stance against civil
And equal rights is revealing.
It will be sad to watch America
Deepen wounds that should be healing.

(2-9-17) By Bob B

°Attorney General

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Bad Betsy

The Senate confirmed Betsy DeVos
As Secretary of Education--
A real slap in the face to the public
School system in this nation.

DeVos's desire to "advance God's kingdom"
Through education sounds a bit scary.
That should make anybody
Who knows the Constitution wary.

Her vague and incoherent replies
To Senators' questions were dull and drizzly.
Her thoughts regarding guns in schools:
You never know; there might be a grizzly.

Her reputation for school reform
In Michigan isn't stellar.
To weaken the public school system
Is NOT a solution. Would someone tell her?

(2-8-17) By Bob B

Hearing the Voice of Reason

From an enormous ocean of voices
Loudly emerges the voice of reason,
Telling you that fighting injustice
Has nothing to do with disloyalty or treason.

When a veil of confusion covers
Truth, depriving it of clarity,
The veil must be lifted so that
Honesty vanquishes insincerity.

When a foggy mist of deception
Completely obscures the seeker's view,
Doubt and uncertainty linger on
Until the light of truth breaks through.

A word that seems innocuous
At first, can--based on its source--
Manifest repercussions
With damaging, destructive force.

Don't be deceived by cunning distractions--
By sirens luring you to your doom.
Don't be afraid to stay the course
When clouds of intimidation loom.

Allowing you to see more clearly,
The true voice of reason will guide you--
Whether it calls you from the distance,
Or whether it comes from deep inside you.

(2-8-17) By Bob B

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Alternative Facts, et cetera...

Alternative facts, fallacious assumptions,
And false equivalency are stunning
As Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conjob,
And Sean Spicer hit the ground running.

Regarding the Bowling Green Massacre, Conjob
Said she'd misspoken. Not a crime.
However, the last time she said it, she'd
Misspoken her "fact" for the third time.

What about Spicer's outlandish statement
That recent marchers were paid? What's FUNNY is
No one paid me a cent to march.
I want to know where my MONEY is.

Trump said the "dishonest" press
Once again has been refusing
To publish reports of recent attacks
By terrorists here. Very amusing!

Imagine our press NOT covering
Most attacks here and abroad!
Another of Trump's alternative facts
Like the one on voter fraud.

This disconnection from the truth--
This constant need to fictionalize--
Doesn't bode well for this country.
When are they going to dispense with these lies?

(2-7-17) By Bob B

Monday, February 6, 2017

On the Verge of Extinction

When humankind is out of control,
The world suffers a giant loss.
Threats of mass extinctions aren't
Difficult to come across.

More than half of the world's primates
Are on the verge of extinction due
To agriculture, logging, mining,
And hunting. Where's the hullabaloo?

Lemurs, chimps, orangutans,
And lowland gorillas are under threat.
When we endanger others, we also
Endanger ourselves, don't forget.

Habitat loss, climate change,
Wildlife trade…. Scientists fear
That if these are not halted, many
Primates will sadly disappear.

We're talking about numerous species--
A couple hundred, not just dozens.
What is wrong with Homo sapiens?
How could we do that to our cousins?

(2-6-17) By Bob B

Sunday, February 5, 2017

We See the World Through Different Eyes

Through different eyes we see the world.
I see the poor, struggling alone,
Limited by their circumstances,
Held back through no fault of their own.

You, however, are convinced
That laziness is the cause of their plight.
Help to the less fortunate ones?

The thought makes you feel uptight.

I see climate change as a threat,
Affecting us now, but mainly hereafter.
Considering the whole matter a hoax,
You respond with derisive laughter.

I see people in desperate need
Of medical care that they can afford--
Care that's not a privilege but
A right leaving no one ignored.

You, too, believe in health care
But not as a right that people deserve.
With you it seems as though the idea
Of helping others strikes a nerve.

I acknowledge the importance of
Necessary regulations.
You see the government having
Too much control over corporations.

I see the need for high standards
For clean water and clean air.
To you such regulations are
Burdensome and also unfair.

People who make large amounts
Of money can therefore afford to pay
Higher taxes than the poor.
To me it just makes sense that way.

You are more concerned that the wealthy
Keep more of their money, which
Is a common refrain that we hear
Coming from the lips of the rich.

America's diversity
To me is beautiful, and yet
To you it seems as though our great
Diversity is a threat.

I want to strengthen our public schools.
When saying that, I see your hostility.
You want to strengthen the private ones
With little or no accountability.

Another giant issue that comes
From seeing the world through different eyes
Is the notion that what I call facts
Are to you nothing but lies.

It's not a matter of good or bad;
It's just a matter of point of view.
Based on all our experiences,
We see the world the way we do.

(2-5-17) By Bob B